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Tony sat with you and the baby, as you fed it. He covered you with his jumper, even though everyone there was close enough to you that you wouldn't have minded.

"Thanks guys." You said suddenly. "For coming so quick." They all smiled.

"Yeah we might have caused a second Cival war....but ya know." Nat said with a smirk. Jake was sat in the front in silence. You finished with the baby and gave her to Tony.

"Burb her for me." When he stared at your blankly, you put her on his shoulder and instructed her to tap her back softly. You then went and sat next to Jake. He didnt acknowledge your presence. You knew he was grieving. He was one of four siblings, and he was now the only one left.

"Remember when we went to the base by the sea. And me you, Brynn and David went down to the sea?" You nodded. That hadn't been long before David had been killed. He'd been six at the time. The experiments they'd done on him went wrong, and they overloaded his brain...it had literally exploded. A sight both you and Jake had been forced to watch.

"That was the last time, he smiled." Jake continued. You nodded silently. "Then their were three of us. And Jacob started to get involved with the higher members. I mean me and you we were only what?"


"Exactly! He was only twenty three?" You nodded. "And he had killed more people than we could both count." You stared out the window. "I wanted to leave, and that's when they started threatening Brynn. And it was okay. Because I had you. And I could help you in little ways. Then they said you had to marry one of us. We both hoped it would be me, but no."

"When you escaped, they started using Brynn instead. They told me if I found you they'd stop. And to start with I didnt look very hard, but even when I did try i couldn't find you. When you came to kill the thing, I could have taken you but part of me cared too deeply about you. And I payed for that. The next day they called me to Brynn's room and slit her throat."

"Oh Jake.." was all you could say.

"Then I watched Jacob be ripped apart, and that was the easiest of them all to see, because he could have saved both of them and he didnt. And all I've done me whole life is try."

"And you tried as hard as you could. They knew that." He nodded.

"Go sit with the others, I need some time." You nodded and stood kissing his head you walked back to the others. Pulling Tony's Jumper around you tighter, smelling the strong scent.

You sat against Clints legs. He absent mindly began playing with you hair. "How's Nathaniel?" You asked shutting your eyes.

"Good, very happy baby. Best of the three." You smiled. "You okay?" He asked gently. You shook your head.

"I don't think I ever will be."

"Forever is a long time." He said quietly. You nodded but said nothing more.


Morgan cried as you walked into the tower. "Shush honey, we're home." You muttered. Noah yawned. "Go to sleep darling, I'll see you in the morning?" He nodded and kissed Morgan's head and hugged you quickly before heading off.

Mia appeared in the door way. "Fuck. Y/N." She hugged you tightly. Sobbing as she cooed over the baby. You managed a small smile.

"Hey Mi, could you do me a favour and put her to bed?" Mia nodded softly and took her niece to her nursery. Tony had wandered off, so you went to find him.

"You did it then?" You heard Steve say teirdly.

"Of course I did. I saved their lives. They might be dead if I'd have waited for your stupid plan." Tony snapped back.

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