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You felt a drop of water hit your face. Opening your eyes, you were still in your spot by the lake. Tony's arm was draped over you bare stomach. His head was snuggled into your neck. He looked so young, almost scared. Another drop of rain.

"Tone, baby?" He opened his eyes sleepily. "Its raining." You said moving your fingers through his hair. He pressed his lips against your neck, sucking slightly to leave another bruise.

"I already got you wet, what's a little rain?" You rolled your eyes. He groaned and stood up. You got dressed quickly. He did the same, and you ran back to the car. You slammed the door on the rain. Before you burst into giggles. Tony rasied his eyes at you smiling. You couldnt stop. He laughed and began driving while you composed yourself.


You walked into the tower, swinging yours and Tony's clasped hands in front of you. He was singing something, and you were laughing. You stopped when you saw the team suited up in the living room. Tony didn't let go of your hand.

"We were just about to come looking." Nat said. You felt your heart drop. Mia was sitting on the sofa. She jumped up and ran to you. You held her with your free arm. As you continued to frown. Bruce coughed, Tony could feel your hand shaking.

"We need to move in on the monster. They've let it out into the woods near the base. You two will have to face it alone. The Captain is also out of action unless absolutely necessary when I'll be taking over for him. But that will mean I can take less. So be prepared. The rest of the team will keep any men back." Mia squeezed her hand.

"I'm going Y/N." You didnt argue with her which shocked her. You nodded instead.

"Stay safe." Clint came over to you, hugging you tightly.

"I'll watch her I promise." You untangled your hand from Tony's to hug him properly.

"I know you will." You stayed in Clint's hold for a while, before pulling back. You saw Tony was slightly jealous, but you thanked him silently that he was trying hard to ignore it. You kissed his cheek in another form of reassurance. Bucky walked out from the other room.

"I should take the pain from Y/N." Steve frowned. "I cant fight out with the others, but I'm a super soldier too. If anything I can cope with more pain the Stevie." Steve looked pained but you all knew that he was right. Bruce nodded.

"Okay, let's go team." You got on the jet, you sat with Mia. She sat platting your hair for you. Tony sat opersite you, giving you a reassuring smile whenever he caught you looking.

"You okay Mi?" You asked back to her. She nodded.

"I'm okay. I'm with the bloody Avengers, I think I'm good. Also I know you told Clint to watch out for me, not complaining his badass. And Peter said if anything happened he'd come straight to me.""

"He figured it out yet?"

"That i like him?" You nodded. "Nah, oblivious as always." You smiled weakly.

"He'll get there." She nodded and finished you hair. She sat at your side, holding your hand, as you hummed the lullaby you used to sing to her after a nightmare. Tony watched the two of you, and smiled. You were made to be a mother. And maybe one day he could make you one all over again.


You hugged Mia and Peter. "Stay safe kiddies. Call Clint if you need to get out or whatever. Or anyone really." They both nodded. You hugged Clint again, and then ran towards Tony. He was suited up, you walked in step with him. The new suit Tony had designed was amazing. It was a white leather, that clung to your figure. It reminded you of the hunger games. Of Katniss' mockingjay outfit. That's what it looked like.

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