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You walked through the small street, you were half listening to your younger sister, but your mind wasn't fully there. You had a bad feeling, and these feelings never led to something good. It was your birthday soon, you were getting old, altough you didnt look it. You'd soon be 46, although you never aged, physically anyway. You still looked like you did at twenty. When Hydra did the last of their experiments making you practically immortal.

Turning you attention back to your younger sister. She was seventeen. You hadn't even known you had a sister, until Hydra had taken her too. That had given you the motivation to escape, and you had. But the blood shed, stayed in your mind. Haunting your dreams. You'd often thought about finding you parents, but you couldn't work yourself up to. The other option you'd been considering for a while was your best friend when you were little. Tony Stark, or as the world now knew him, Ironman.

You'd known Tony from when you were three until seventeen when you were taken by Hydra. He was the closest thing you'd ever came to loving someone, bar you new found sister of course. You were now living in a small apartment in Queens. You worked all day every day in New york to pay the bills and rent, while your sister went to school, she could have the life you'd dreamt off.

"Then Peter was obviously angry, I've never seen anyone jump that high!" You frowned, Mia's best friend was a boy called Peter. You were suspicious about the imput of Tony stark in his bedroom when you'd been round. Just little things like the keyring you two had designed when you were kids that held space for more data than anyone could imagine. Or the suit you knew was hanging from the ceiling, because...it was obvious! You suspicions led to the fact he was spiderman. And you were 97% sure.

You heard some distant screams. You groaned. "Go home Mia, I'll see you there." She frowned at you. "Dont argue with me." You snapped. You loved her, you did, but you couldnt risk her revealing her powers and identity to the world. She looked hurt but nodded. You fished your keys out of your pocket and dropped them in your hand. "I'll he home soon I promise." She managed a weak smile, turning and began running home. She paused.
"Can I go to Peter's?" You thought this over before nodding. She smiled and ran off again.

Sighing, you headed towards the noise. People were running pushing past you. You were tempted to use your powers but didnt want to risk exposing yourself quite yet. A car was flung through the air, in flames. You flicked your hand discreetly, making it land safely on the side. As you crept towards the fight, something dropped beside you making you jump. It was spiderman. "Excuse me Miss, Mr Stark said to clear the area."

"Well Peter, I think I can look after myself." You said continuing to walk. He was in shock for a few seconds before he followed you.

"How did you know? Does Mia know?" You shook your head, a smirk finding it's way onto your face.

"No she doesnt, and I'm very observant." You could see the Avengers now. Weird alien life forms running around, striking out whenever possible. Peter was still shocked. You shrugged off your brown jacket, leaving it on a parked car bonnet.

"Well, Y/N. Mr Stark said to clear the area." You giggled.

"I dont think Tony would mind seeing me again." You said, a childish grin on your face.

"Again?" Peter said shocked. An alien jumped towards you and Peter. Peter half screamed, he wasnt ready and in theory it would have killed you both. But that's not what happened. Your hand shot out and the creature froze mid air. Peter gaped at you as you clenched your fist, and the alien's body collapsed in upon itself.

You dusted your hands off on your jeans, smirking at Peter's face. "I have to go, Mr Stark is speaking over our coms. I think you'll be fine." He said in disbelief as he swung away. You walked into the fight. Crushing, flinging or batting the aliens away with your powers. That's not to say they didnt have a toll on you, it did. But for now it was subtle, and although the ache in your chest was building you'd coped with worse. You ducked as Captain America's shield flew past you. He ran towards you.

Tony Stark X Reader (Immortal)Where stories live. Discover now