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When you woke, you were in a room back in the tower you assumed. The room was a mess. It smelled like Tony. You sat up, pushing the duvet off your body. Mia was sat at the bottom of the bed, asleep, slumped against the desk.
"Mia?" You said quietly. She jumped awake.

"Oh my god Y/N." She flung herself at you. "Are you okay?" You nodded, forcing the tears back again.

"This is Tony's room isn't it?" It was dark, but as your eyes adjusted you remembered it from before. She nodded.

"He wanted you to stay with him, I wanted you with me. So we agreed to all just sleep in here, as its bigger." You rolled your eyes.

"I'm fine. I just told Tony about Noah and Iris that's all." Your voice wavered. Mia nodded. She squeezed your hand. She stood up.

"Well if your okay I'm going to get out of here. It smells too much of Tony." You laughed, you blew her a kiss as she left. You were just in your underwear, you walked to Tony's wardrobe finding a long T-shirt. It said 'I am Iron man'. You smirked at how big Tony's ego was, before slipping the shirt on and leaving the room.

You went into the kitchen, Clint was swearing loudly at the grill. "You okay?" You said with a smirk. He turned to you. He looked Incredibly hot in the tight shirt he was wearing. He put his hands in the air in defeat.

"Nope, I cant get the stupid thing to work." You came forward and looked at the grill with a laugh. You turned on the gas and took a lighter flicking once to get a flame. He made an 'oh' shape with his mouth. "Thanks!" You smiled.

"No problem, and Clint?" He turned to you again. "Thanks for...yesterday?" He nodded.

"Its fine, I respect you." You smiled. "Maybe I could teach you some archery some time?"

"I'd love that!" You said, as you walked out towards the living room. Here sat Bruce and Nat, it all clicked in your head. You sat down opersite them. "So, love birds." You said winking. Nat's mouth fell open in shock.

"How did you know?" Bruce asked.

"I'm very observant. Dont worry, I won't tell anyone, although I know Clint knows." Nat nodded impressed.

"You could be an assassin with that brain." You laughed. Bruce returned his hand to Nat's leg. "So how are you after yesterday?" You shrugged.

"Okay, did you get the the right information on the computer?" Bruce gulped.

"Well, sort of." You frowned. "The monster can only be killed if the person has the same genetic structure as it itself. When that happens it becomes just a monster. A killable one."

"Okay can we make the same structure? What are its complications?" You said missing where he was going with this.

"We already have one. As for complications they make you immortal. Not to death, but to age and diseases."

"Its me.." you said softly. He nodded.

"Obviously with you the powers you'd use to kill the monster put you in extreme pain so that holds you back. But me and Tony have an idea. We might be able to split your pain giving half to someone else." You frowned. "Also, what you saw in the 'light' Tony had volunteered to be mutated by your genes making him immortal too." You shook your head.

"He doesnt understand, you have to watch everyone you love die!"

"No." Tony said from the door. "Because I only love one person, and she happens to be immortal too." You felt the tears leak down your face.

"You'll regret it Tone."

"I dont think I will." You ran at him, hugging him hard. He held you tightly. "Yeah, I definitely won't." You smiled into his shoulder. Bruce stood up from where he was with Nat.

Tony Stark X Reader (Immortal)Where stories live. Discover now