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You woke to the sound of a voice. "No, she's exactly the same as when you last called.....jesus she's my mom. I know. We're good thank you." Blinking your eyes open you saw you were in a hospital of some kind.

Noah placed his phone down on the table. "Hi Mom, how are you feeling?"

"Sick." You admitted. He gulped slightly. "What? How long have I been out?"

"Only a few days." He said softly, taking your hand. You squeezed it nerves creeping into your chest. "Mom...do you remember being pregnant with me and Iris?" You shook your head.

"Not really, it was all a blur. It didnt take as long as normal pregnancy I know that, but I couldnt tell you exactly how long...why?" He sighed.

"Your pregnant mom. And in theory you could only be at most a month. But all the scans are showing the baby is around seven months." You shut your eyes, memories flooding through your head. "Mom?"

"I cant do it again..." you said through what felt like a compressed chest. He stroaked your hair. "I...I does Tony?" Noah nodded.

"Yeah he knows, do you want to see him?" You nodded, feeling like your lungs were going to burst. Noah helped you stand, and led you through the medical side of the tower back to the residential part.

"Friday where's Tony?" You asked.

"He is in the room next to Mr Starks." Noah held your arm, in fear you'd fall as you walked there. You knocked the door.

"Tone?" You called In.

"Come on in Kitten. I need to see what you think!" Frowning you opened the door, your breath was taken away at the stunning nursery Tony had had put together. "So?"

"Its beautiful Tony. I love it.....god I." You felt the tears falling down your face again. "I'm scared." You admitted. You took Noah's hand. "You and Iris, I...it nearly ruined me. I couldnt he a mother to you... what if.."

"Mom, your the best kind of mother. Why? Because you care about me more than yourself, more than anyone. You gave me away true, but in doing that you saved me, gave the best chance possible. And that's admirable. Your meant to be a mom. Look how you are with Peter and Aunt." You sniffed.

"I guess." Tony was trying hard to hide his smile but it wasnt working. Your face softened and how excited his was. "I love you Tony." He came forward briefly kissing your lips.

"Love you too Kitten." You felt a small kick. You gulped, the baby would be weak, small but at least it would be normal.

"Hey, Tone put your hand there." You guided his hand to your stomach, allowing him to feel the movement. He gaped happily. Noah had a feel too. You allowed yourself to smile, but something didn't feel right...


Your bump was only small, all your children had been. You and Nat were walking to the shops. "What do you think of the nursery?" Nat smiled.

"Its beautiful, every kids dream." She replied but she seemed on edge. "Y/N? Where did you say the others were meeting us?"

"They weren't..." she threw you a death glare. "They weren't going to be too far away. Tony said in the park." You said pointing to the gates. Nat nodded her approval and walked you in there, casually linking arms, leaning her head closer to you.

"Its your crazy ex." She muttered. You felt the panic creeping in. "We'll be okay." You pressed the ear piece.

"Tone! We need some backup." You said laughing as if you were on the phone. "Just get your ass here now before I refuse to sleep in your room." You were shaking, Nat was doing sweeps of the surroundings.

Tony Stark X Reader (Immortal)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum