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You snapped out of your daze, obviously you hadn't died. Jake had managed to convince Jacob to stop. Whether you agreed with that decision or not, it was what had happened. The doors to the balcony opened, and Mia sat down next to you.

"You dont have to do this you know? We could go back to Queens." You shook your head.

"That would be selfish Mia. They need me. And besides it's not all bad. I've got Tony back." She nodded. You opened your arms pulling her against your chest. She stayed there curled up.

"Tell me another story, one about your past but not with Hydra, before that." You thought.

"Me and Tony used to have a tradition for our birthdays, or other special days. There was this spot in a park near where we lived. You had to climb a tree, drop over a fence, climb through bushes. And then there it was, a perfect abandoned lake. It had flowers everywhere. We'd go there and sit and mess around. Sometimes swim. And every year on our birthdays we'd stay overnight. The stars were so visible there. It's also where he kissed me the first time. It was my fourteenth birthday. And there was shooting stars. And I remember turning to look at him and kissing him."

"Were you together for long?" You shook your head.

"We were never offical. We fucked a few times. Kissed a load but..it never really came to anything offical. Then obviously I.."

"He still loves you." You frowned.


"Its obvious. They way he looks at you. The way he talks about you." You sighed but said nothing more. You couldn't ruin what you already had, it was too important to you.

Six o'clock came round too quickly. In the six hours since the meeting, Tony had altered one of Natasha's suits to fit you better with promise he'd make you your own when you got back. Mia had become very clingy in the past two hours. The whole team was standing by the jet and she was holding your hand tightly.

"I'll be fine, I'll be home soon." You soothed kissing her head. She nodded, but her eyes were glassy.

"I have a bad feeling. Like the ones you get." She mumbled. You didnt say anything, you hugged her once more and walked onto the jet. The thing is, you felt it too. The jet took off, and you sat back in your seat. Trying hard to steady your breathing. To distract yourself you listened to Nat and Clint's hushed conversation.

"No!" She hissed. "We'd never hear the end off it." She protested. You wondered whether it was Clint she had been with earlier. They were defianlty close. You knew he was married but the job they did, it caused pressures. Maybe Nat was his relief? You werent a 100% but either way, you didnt judge. That was there business. You turned your attention to Bruce.

He was reading something. You hadn't spoken to him much. The opportunity never seemed to crop up, and even when it did, conversation fell awkwardly between you both. Maybe your friendship would come with time. Steve was sitting staring into space. You could speak to him, but something about your manner earlier stopped you. You hadn't meant to sound so standoffish you had just been through too much to let things like that slip.

Tony was in the control room. You would have gone and spoke to him, but the silence for now was welcoming. You were scared. It was like going back into a nightmare. And the memory off the monster and your fight, played round and round your head.

"You okay Kitten?" Tony said startling you slightly.

"Y..Yeah I'm good." You forced a smile. He sighed taking your hand and rubbing circles into it. He didnt say anything else, his presence was more powerful than any words he could have said.

Tony Stark X Reader (Immortal)Where stories live. Discover now