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"THIS IS SO COOL" Maddie says.

"Told you" Peter tells Tony. This catches Steve's attention. 

"Do you wanna try?" He asks.

"YES!" Maddie says.

"Go pick a bat." Tony says.

"Any of them?" Maddie asks.

"Whichever one you want. The ones closer to us are lighter and the ones further away are heavier." Tony says.

Steve comes over to Tony and Peter, while Maddie is picking a bat.

"So I know she's good, but how good exactly is she?" Steve asks Peter.

"The best, just watch." Peter responds.

Maddie picks a bat, it is in the middle of the variety of weights, but on the heavier side.

"Is that going to be too heavy?" Tony asks.

"No its actually the same as the bat I have except longer." Maddie steps into the batting cage and walks over to the controls.

"Her bat is too short for her, but bats are expensive and she would never let my aunt buy her a new one." Peter says. Maddie changes the pitch from curveball to fastball, and the location to lower, since she is shorter than Steve, but she leaves the speed at 80 miles per hour.

She sets up her stance and the machine pitches the first ball. She slams the ball, hitting a line drive harder than Tony and Steve expected. If there wasn't a net, the ball would have gone strait back into the machine. Steve jumps when she hits it.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Tony says. "How did you hit it that hard, that was a perfect line drive"

"I'm surprised you only set it to 80 miles per hour. Different from your normal 105" Peter says calmly.

"I figured I would start out easy. Can I keep going?" Maddie asks Tony.

"For as long as you want." Tony replies. The other Avengers who were training, came over to see her hit after hearing the crack of the ball hitting the bat. They all figured out that it was Maddie, because they saw her walking over there with Tony and Pepper. Pepper also came, since she had just finished her meeting. Maddie sets the speed up to 100 mph and gets set. The ball comes and she hits another line drive. Everyone just stares in awe as she keeps going, switching it to a curveball after a few pitches. 

       After about thirty minutes, Peter thinks she should take a break, that way she doesn't overdo it.

"Why don't you take a break?" Peter says. "Aww" All the Avengers respond with.

"Why?" Maddie whines. 

"You don't want to overdo it." Peter says.

"Fine" Maddie says. She puts the bat back, and everyone goes their separate ways. Tony, Maddie, Peter, and Pepper are left. They decide to go back up to the kitchen/living room.

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