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It reminded me a lot of how it felt to be with this woman. What a feeling.  Such strong emotions.

I got accustomed to people telling me how to live my life. Telling me who I needed to be with or I didn't.

It's faltered many of my life plans.

She pulled away and her face broke with distress. She came back for another but I turned my head feeling guilty for what I had done. She rested her forehead against me and sighed shakily.

"You're going back to him anyway aren't you?" She grimaced making her way slowly to behind my chair.

I nodded silently as she placed her face into the crook of my neck.

She's always been affectionate and passionate. I was her passion, I used to be her obsession until I left. Her life turned upside down after that.. or that's what I've been led to believe.

I'm still tied up. She's taken me against my will and I'm sitting here longing for her. Longing like a lost puppy.

This has always been our problem. We've always been each other's weaknesses. Even when something as terrible as kidnapping had taken place.

She wrapped her arms around my torso slowly for what felt like the last time. She placed a timid kiss in the crook of my neck.

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