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"What would there be to lie about." I spoke barely above a whisper.

She was behind me with her arms wrapped around my torso.

This I remember vaguely.

We had just met up with each other and got married after college. Our lives had already begun.

Such a young and happy couple. She wrapped her arms around my torso so that we could take a picture.

She must've read my mind because her arms tightened around me and she buried her head in my neck.

It made me shudder. "That's not your fiance. That's a boy. He's not even a man. I can tell. You aren't happy." Her voice croaked with desperation, but steadiness. Thank God I was tied up. She was temptation. The color purple looked damn good on her too , back when she used to wear it. It's the color of temptation.

Now,  she's nothing but dark. Emotionless it would seem.

The Way It IsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon