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The womanly soilders had left upon her command earlier. No words had been spoken since she greeted me so subtly.

It's been years since me and her had been in each other's presence. She watched me for what felt like hours.

Observed my being.  Scanned my body.  It seemed as if she was in deep thought.

I wasn't uncomfortable at all. More so because she did this when we were together. She watched me with intent.

She was the reason for so much of my happiness. The being tied up really put me in a bind, no pun.

"So I'm about to be the only one speaking it would seem." I spoke interrupting the peaceful silence.

"You really kidnapped me. All you had to do was come to my house. You obviously knew where I resided." She stood unexpectedly and began to advance my way.

As she was taking her time to get here she smoothed her vest and fixed the sleeves showing her lightly bulging biceps.

Her arms trapped me,both being on either side of my body. She rested them on the arms of the chairs.

She wasn't close, but I remember how I felt when she did this. It wasn't often that she would, but when she did I enjoyed it.

The little things she did to catch my attention,I enjoyed. The sigh which left my parted lips was barely noticeable, but she noticed it. She always does.

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