Chapter 31: Trevor?

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A guard come out of no where... with a dog! Oh shit! The dog came running at me.

"Please! I don't wanna hurt you!" I got inside the dogs mind. He stopped. He just sat down with his tongue out. I smiled at him. The guard groaned in annoyance. I threw a ball of mist at him, knocking him to the ground. I walked up to the door and Dad was waiting for me.

"Took you long enough." He smirked. I rolled my eyes.

"There was a dog." I whispered with wide eyes. He shrugged as we snuck into the house. There was beer cans and pizza boxes everywhere. An unconscious woman on the counter too. What the hell?! Who is this man? I followed Dad into the house.

"Why is it so hot in here?" A woman's voice could be heard. We made our way towards the voice. We saw a man and woman sitting in a room. She looked drunk and high. "I told you to put it at 68°"

"Let me tell you something sweetheart, I'm not your persona-." He was cut off by Dad using his electrical glove. He placed it on the man's head. The man groaned and shook as he was electrocuted. Dad let go and the man fell onto the table with a thud. The woman just stared at us. Shock written all over her face. Dad reached over the man and grabbed his gun. The woman seemed to be alright with the situation as she lifted her hand and made a gun shape. She pointed it at us. Dad shushed her. She grinned and nodded.

We went upstairs. We walked down a long hallway to the bedroom farthest away. Dad took his glove off. We tip toed into the room.

There were small TVs with the terrorist on them. We continued. There was art hanging around and make up. Almost like what actors or performers use. There was even a mirror with lights around it. We peeked over the wall and there was a bed. Two figures could be seen under the covers. With the evidence through out the house, one is a woman. Let's hope they're decent. I want my innocence to stay in tact. Dad raise his gun as he ripped off the blankets. Two woman, actually clothed, gasped as they sat up. Dad's breathing uneven. He was scared.

The woman looked at us in shock. The knew who we are, but they don't know why we're here. I made a shush action with my finger. A toilet could be heard. Dad and I hid behind the tall piece of art behind the bed.

"Well... I wouldn't go in there for 20 minutes." A man laughed. He walked over towards the other side of the bed. Is that him? For real? "Now, which one of you is Vanessa?"

"Me." A woman spoke up.

"Ah! Nessie! Did you know that fortune cookies aren't even Chinese?!" He laughed in disbelief. I gave dad a look. He shrugged with a confused face.

"There's some people ove-."

"There made by American based on a Japanese recipe." He chuckled to himself.

"Hey!" Dad yelled as he aimed the gun at... Trevor? His name is Trevor. He's an actor. He's working for... Killian! Holy shit! What about Pepper!? Isn't Maya and Killian working together!?

"Bloody hell, bloody hell." Trevor raised his hands up.

"Don't move." Dad ordered.

"I'm not moving. You want something? Take it. Although the guns are all fake because they wouldn't trust me with real ones." He rambled on.

"What?" Dad spoke out his confusion. "Your not him. The Mandarin. Where is he? WHERE!" Dad yelled.

"Dad I k-."

"Where is he?! Where!?" Dad followed after a panicking Trevor.

"He's here, but he's not here. He's here, but he's not here." Trevor repeated panicky.

"What do you mean?"

"It's complicated." Trevor told.

"Well un- complicate it. Ladies out!" Dad exclaimed. "In the bathroom." The girls quickly shuffled out of bed and ran into the bathroom.


"That's fucking disgusting!"

"Hey!" I yelled out loud. Trevor was trying to crawl away. He quickly turned around after Dad shot the ground in front of him.

"Okay! Okay!" Trevor exclaimed in panic as he scrambled back to the couch.

"We can leave now. I know everything now. It's Killian. He's the Mandarin. He's just an actor. They gave evil a face, and they chose him. He's not much help anymore." I told Dad. Dad's breath hitched at Killian's name.

"H-how did you know that?" Trevor looked slightly bothered. I smirked and made my eyes glow. He gasped. "Bloody hell woman!" 

"Where is he now?" Dad looked at us both. I looked over to Trevor. I was looking through his mind when I felt a pain in my arm. I looked over and saw a needle. I felt my legs give out. I fell to the ground. My eyes becoming extremely heavy. I managed to look up and see Chad.

"Sweet dreams." He smirked down at me. I looked over to a unconscious Tony. I felt my eyes close.

Tony Stark's Daughter [1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora