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video explanation at end of chap!! :)

Bakugou woke up in his own bed, and was startled for a moment to realize that he was cold. He, who ran hot as hell and created fucking explosions, was cold.

He must've fallen asleep on the countertop, he decided. And Kirishima must've carried him back here.

And then he realized why he was cold--because the lion Kirishima wasn't curled around him, the fucker. He slammed his door open, intent on giving the damned lion a piece of his mind, but--the house seemed so fucking calm, and he really couldn't bear to break the quiet atmosphere when he found Kirishima calmly eating cereal in the kitchen, intently watching the wall. He'd left out a bowl for Bakugou, too, so he really couldn't get mad at him now, could he?

So he silently slid into the seat next to the red-maned lion of a man, and grabbed the cereal box. Kirishima's eyes flicked over to him for one second, immediately going back to the wall. Bakugou frowned. Does he remember last night? Does he regret it?

Kirishima cleared his throat, and Bakugou froze. "So," he began, in that deep purr of a voice, "Uh. Are you okay?"

Bakugou frowned. "The fuck do you mean by that?"

Kirishima seemed a bit startled that he'd spoken, and Bakugou didn't like that--even though he deserved it, from that period of hiding away from his problems (the lion Kirishima). "Well," Kirishima continued, seeming to swirl the words around in his mouth before letting them out. "Well. You fell asleep on the countertop, you know? So I was wondering-"

"Why I moved?" Bakugou interrupted. "Because you were fucking crushing my ribcage, you fuck."

Kirishima smiled, but it quickly faded. Bakugou wanted the smile back. "Still doesn't explain why you fell asleep on the countertop."

"Didn't fucking mean to," Bakugou mumbled. "Just wanted to think about shit."

Kirishima seemed to relax at that. "Oh. I guess that makes sense."

"Shut up," Bakugou grumbled, finishing off his Cheerios. "Why do you get the honey type, anyway? Everyone knows plain is best."

Kirishima simply stared aggressively at the wall in silence.

Bakugou hit his shoulder. "Hey, lion. Shitty hair. Your cereal's going soggy, and if you're one of the people who actually likes it like that, I'm going back to Tartarus."

And this time, when Kirishima looked back up at him, it was with a smile that didn't go away, a smile full of dragon's fangs and genuine happiness. And it was the most fucking beautiful thing Bakugou'd ever seen.


Kirishima wasn't an idiot, he'd heard the bedroom door slam when Bakugou woke up and had expected to get an earful for--well, for something. Probably for carrying him to bed. Or sleeping next to him on the couch.

What he had not expected was for Bakugou to calmly join him for breakfast, or to actually answer his questions. Hell, he hadn't really expected Bakugou to talk to him at all--he wasn't exactly sure what the blond was comfortable with at this moment. If he himself was one of those things that... Wasn't comfortable to be around.

And then Bakugou kissed him.


Bakugou immediately jerked away, realizing what he'd done. Oh. Fuck. Fuck fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck--

He turned to run like the coward he was, to get away from the fucking situation, but Kirishima caught him by the arm, dragging him back to the table to meet those goddamned scarlet eyes. "Bakugou," he heard the red-maned man say in a worried tone. "Bakugou." Then a pause, and he focused on the silence. Fuck.

"Katsuki?" Kirishima tried. Bakugou shuddered, letting himself relax. "Katsuki," Kirishima repeated, sliding his hand up Bakugou's arm, pulling Bakugou close. Closer. Until the redhead's arms were wrapped around Bakugou, and he collapsed into them, into him, into immovable stone, rough red fur with dragon's scales hidden beneath.

And this creature, this beast so much better than him in every way, simply held him. This red-maned lion of a man with a dragon's soul, he told Bakugou he'd be okay, and Bakugou believed him.

Kirishima held him all day, held him until Bakugou could breathe calmly, held him until the sun went down. And then he carried Bakugou over to the window whose curtains never completely closed at night.

It was a new moon--nothing to turn red into silver, nothing to invade a wolf's mind and turn everything white. So when Kirishima asked, "Katsuki?" One last time, Bakugou responded:



And they knew they'd be fine, no matter what the fuck life threw at them--even if this night was calm, the morning would be rough. But they'd work for it, the way they'd been for their whole damn lives.

Because--they couldn't very well give up on each other now, could they?




it's a little weird to think about, because I've been working on it so long, but i suppose every fic writer feels that way :P
Anyhow!!! if you got this far, for some reason, or even considered reading it at all, thanks for that (though i suppose that only you, who somehow made it to the end of this shitstorm, will know this. Don't tell the others).

On another note, by no means am I done with these boys!!!!! next tuesday the first chapter of a new au i've been working on will be out !!

if y'all wanna yell at me, im on instagram as Larry_The_Demon666, i mostly post art over there but i'm always down to talk!!! just yell LARRY at me really agressively and i won't accidentally ignore u

thanks again for reading this bullshit!!! i appreciate each and every one of y'all so goddamn much!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UwU

EDIT: dgfhkhGHJ summer_draws_dragons (insta) made a whole-ass animation meme for this fic!!!!!!! jkhfjf plEASE go check it out its fuckin ePIC, it's called melody meme [] villain bakugou [] read desc, i know wattpad wont let u copy-paste so :/ also gonna link it up top!!

they all gave up on me (kiribaku)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant