Corazon x Reader x Kid Law x Reader's Sister

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A/N:  The reader's sister is the same age as Law she have Heart problems since the day she was born also. Reader's sister name is Rika.

"But big sis!" As the (H/l and H/C) women was running away from the burning village their own call home was attacked by pirates who wanted take over the island. "We have keep going Rika." As she pulled the little girl with her to an boat near the docks. As the two girls gotten into the boat they rowed away from the burning village. Few days later there was another pirate ship an ship she never seen before there was an male in an pink feathered coat. Y/N was holding Rika in her arms she was having problems breathing. "Let us help you." The blonde male said as he helped them onto the ship take the child to the medical bay to get check up

Been two weeks since the day that Donquixote pirates taken you and your sister in. Doflamingo made you and Rika part his family. Rika was playing with Baby 5 and  Buffalo she give an smile at the children. Another blonde was watching you from his sat the guy had heart shirt and hat with hearts on the bottom of it he was reading the paper. He hated children but there was something about Y/N and Rika he liked then Baby 5 or Buffalo. As Rika went to the door only to bumped into an boy who was about her age he had white patches on his body. He had grenades strapped to his body. "AHHH!" Rika ran away screaming and scared as she hide behind her sister's leg.

"What wrong?" As you stared at the doorway to see an small boy who was asking them to  take him in or he would kill himself. After the fight between small boy and Corazon by throwing him out the window. "Was that wise Rosi?" You asked he just started at you with an blank look on his face. "I figure as much..." Rika blinked as she watches her sister approached the boy. She removed the grenades from him. "What wrong with you?" You asked Law stared at her. "Why do you want to know?" He asked.

"Let me say this. My sister is ill also. She have an heart problem since she was born." As Law stared at Rika who was still hiding behind Y/N. "What wrong with her heart?" He asked. "She was born with an half of an heart. She might need an new heart in the future.."' You explained with an frown.

Been three months since Law joined the crew Corazon was getting closer to the boy also. Law walked over to you with an large sunflower in hands as he handed to you. "Ummm. I wanted thank you what you did.. Your not like Cora-san who clumsy" That guy is always clumsy. She notices as Corazon light his cigarette then catches himself on fire. "CORAZON!" You shouted as Law sweatdropped you ran over to him as you try to put out the fire burning your hands. "You need more careful you big moron" You puffed out your cheeks Rosianate smiled at you that because you to blush. Rika grabs Law's hand as she drag the boy to the playground. "HEY!" Law shouted at the small girl who was gigging.


You just learned that Doflamingo just killed Rosianate you never gotten the chance to tell him how you felt about him. As you gripped his hat in your hands tears rolled down your cheeks. "Sis..." Rika crawled into your lap before Law can walked off he grabs your hand. "Come with me Y/N.. Take your sister with you also." As You and Rika even Law walked away form the site leaving the memories burned in your memories.

~Bonus Ending~

Now your 32 and your sister is 26. Thanks to Law's help your sister would live with an new heart. "You really saved her." You said with an smile. "I do anything for you. Y/N-ya" He smiled at her. Rika was happy as she can be. "Thank you captain!" Rika hugged Law like an child would do. "She reminds me of Luffy-ya." He said before you started laughing. "She did had an crush you." You said before walking away. This cause Law to blush as he stared at Rika with an smile. "I thought you had crush on my sister?" Rika asked. "I do. But she will not admit it. She might been teenager when we meet." He smiled before walking off to his office.

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