Kid x Reader (AU Modern)

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"Again." Why dose he give you Detention not anyone else! you felt like he was out to get you forever reasons. You try your best in class fact you one his favorite students why the hell did he give you Detention?! You mutter before going to lunch room with Luffy and his friends. "Did Kid give you Detention?" Nami asked. "Yes he dose this a lot lately." You sighed as she poked your food you wasn't hungry fact you wanted speak with Kid about this. "Are your going eat that?" Luffy asked. "No you can have it Luffy." As he takes your food then ate with an smile you notices the red head talking to Boa for some reason you felt jealous why the hell do you feel like this? You might be only student in this school might have an crush on your technology teacher.

Alot of the students was scare of him because of his temper but you he never get angry with you he will yell at you and maybe tell you to do better but never get temper with you. Since there was few minutes left on your lunch break she stood up from your chair then heads out of the lunch room before heading outside into the courtyard. "I'm going skip out on this.." You mutter. "Oh really?" His voice made you jump. "Yes really. This stupid. Why did you give me Detention in the first place! I never did ---" Kid cut you off by kissing you then pinned you to the tree.

"It's my only way I can show my feelings for you Y/N" He said with an smirk. You blushed then you thought about Boa. "I thought you might liked Boa. You two was talking." You said. "Oh jealous?" He smirk before pulling out an red rose from his pocket then handed to you. "I just trying get an good place for date with you. She told me about an great Italian place." He explained with an blush on his face.  "Would you go with me?" He asked.

"Oh Kid. Yes I would love too." You kissed him he wrapped his arms around you before picking you up  then carried you back inside the school. "Have lunch with me." He taken you to his classroom with two bento boxes. "Killer made them. Since I can't cook." He frowned as you giggled as you two enjoy your lunch together. 

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