Chapter 3: Dear Bryslin

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After we FaceTimed for the first time I was addicted you're so sweet, popular, athletic, you're everything Kylea was but better you loved to talk. You hung up to go eat you called back at 9:30 Pm  and we talked for an hour oh that hour felt like seconds I enjoyed every minute. I don't talk a lot I'm sorry I don't try to make you feel bad because you talk a lot but I enjoy you talking listening to what you have to say. I could listen to it all day. Then when I talk you're there to listen to me no matter what it is. Before the FaceTime you were the girl I liked and had a crush on but after it you were someone I loved. Oh my gosh you have your fingers wrapped around me and I love it. You're a drug I don't mean it in a mean hateful way but I'm addicted. I thought you were like Kylea but more talkative. With kylea I would say good night and I got a K back, but you I get a good night and hey let's talk tomorrow. Every minute I love you more and more. I'm young and dumb but hell I feel like God made us for each other it feels weird writing this especially when you don't know the truth. I hope you feel the same way.
Today around 12 o'clock we facetimed again at the time of writing this it's 4 o'clock longest we've ever facetimed and it's still going on. I love it we've talked about fears, childhood stories, what movies scared us growing up. This is the closest I've ever gotten to any of my crushes. My chest feels so weird but I'm getting used to it. We FaceTimed until 5 that night.
    I hate having a crush on you. I feel like you love talking to me the next you don't.  I got over you finally after days of crying, then I go to church and it was all worthless. You said hi to me and to me personally and only me and I go beet red I've- fallen for you again. I told myself in the beginning you didn't have a hold of me. Boy was I wrong! I can't get away I couldn't even delete those pictures of you on FaceTime. If I were to ask you out and you said no that would shatter me. I thought I would never let a girl get a hold me to the point I'd break down.

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