Tallest Red X reader

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6 months. 6months Ive been trapped on this ship, Zim had got close to me then sent me to his leaders. I mean I never liked my life on Earth. I guess Zim told the tallest I could bake so now I'm head captain in the kitchen. I have all the freedom in the kitchen I want but past the doors I'm a prisoner. Sense I'm so tall, the Tallest always had 20 armed guards escorting you. Today was like any other day get waken up, rudely, escorted to the kitchens and sent to work. I usually work for 6 hours baking random snacks for the tallest. Tallest purple comes and starts conversation and trying to steal the non baked goodies. Red just comes and collects the finished snacks and leaving quickly. But recent red had been staying for 20-30 minutes trying to start conversation, but he's terrible at it, sometimes he flirts with me, I can't tell if he's doing it on purpose or what.

I was just pulling out a fresh batch of snicker doodle cookies when red walked in. I didn't even give him a glance because I was focusing on getting the cookies off the pan to set them on the cooling rack. But he took my silence as a sign to go and start talking.
"Human what are you making today?"
My expression staying neutral, and I just nodded my head.
"Hello human, I'm talking to you." He waved his 'hand' in my face but I still didn't budge. I quickly snapped out of it when I heard a hissing sound come his mouth, it wasn't normal hissing it was the hissing of pain. I looked over to see him grabbing the still hot cookie pan. I groan and drop the cookie I was transporting and quickly grabbed his hand and throwing the pan away from him. I sign "why would you touch a hot pan?" He started at our conjoined, his face was on fire.  But his hand also felt like it was on fire. I just rolled my eyes and kept holding his hand "come on Sir let's get this treated before it gets any worse." He nodded his head and followed behind, still blushing.

Still clasping his 'hand' I marched over the the first aid kit. I had the Irkens place one in the kitchen but, they kept abdicating items in hope for a trade, of sweets. So I started place it on the highest shelf. Pointing to a seat "Sir sit down and I'll get the kit then after you can leave and take some of the probably cooled cookies." He didn't say anything just stared at his hand wide eyed. I quickly made my way to the first aid kit and reached up for it, only for my fingers to skim it. I groaned and looked around for another chair but red was sitting in the only one. I nearly faced defeat when I tried to reach it again, when I felt an arm wrap around my waist and a hand reach up for the kit grabbing it with ease. I looked up to see red, I smiled "thank you sir, I'm not as quite as tall as you."
He nodded and walked back to the chair and sat down, I walked over and set to work on his burns.

"There we go sir! All bandaged up!"
He flexed his claw like fingers seemingly impressed by my medical skills. "Thank you human."
"Sir can you please call me (Y/N), it's weird to be called human, it kind of like me saying alien every time I address you."
"Ok hum- I mean (Y/N) but only if, you call me Red. No need for the formal stuff." He smiled and I smiled back. I gathered everything in the kit and placed it on the top shelf, only to stubble back. I waited for the ground to hug my body but, I got hugged by something else, or someone else. Glancing up I giggled "guess I'm falling for ya red." I smiled wide at my flirty comment. "Well (Y/N) I might just have fallen for you." My face flushed and I looked down and my tilted body and regained my composure. "Well Red thank you for ahm- catching me but I need to get back to work." His face feel "you know what, come on I want to show you something."
"But, what about the snacks?"
"Ehh they can wait we got bagged snacks. They don't taste as good at your goodies but they'll do."
I nodded my head and waltzed up to him, "what did you want to show me?"
He motioned his claw like hands and started hovering/walking? He guided me down the stretching halls and into a room that was all windows. I gasped walking around, looking up at the wide windows."woah, this is amazing. I never seen this many stars." My eyes where stuck to the windows. I stoped star gazing when I felt someone stand next to me.  I looked over at him and smiled "Red I- how is your hand?"
He smiled "it's fine dear, thanks to you." I smiled even brighter, and quickly hugged him I felt him hug me back gently. "Thank you for showing this to me red, I really appreciate it."
"Your very welcome (Y/N), when ever you want to see this just call for me and I'll bring you here myself." I smiled "I'd like that a lot." 🥰

(924 words)
(Also yesterday I had 69 followers now I have 76! WHERE DID YOU PEOPLE COME FROM, but thank you for everything. I honestly love writing and with all the wonderful comments you guys give me really warms my heart so thank you all!🥰🥰❤️❤️)

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