Part 21: Raincheck

Start from the beginning

He could be a powerful friend to have, she thought, to bail her out of trouble or for getting her into higher places. Bruce was going fast, even with the snow on the road, but he never once lost control. The longer she looked at him... the less she thought of Batman. Bruce felt her gaze on him and turned to her with a smile, making her blush and look ahead.

"It's so beautiful," Selina commented on the snow outside.

"It sure is." Bruce commented on her.

She smiled. "I meant the snow."

"I know." He smiled back at her.

"So, what's your favorite season, Bruce? Summer? Good for yachting with swim models?"

Bruce laughed.

"Summer and I don't get along." He said solemnly, and she knew why. The whole state knew why.

"I like winter, to be honest. That's when my dad used to have less work and we had a lot of family time. We used to skip off for a week or two somewhere my mom wanted to go for a vacation, but most of the time we stayed in."

"Hot cocoa by the fireplace?"

"You should try how Alfred makes it. He taught me the piano, singing Christmas songs."

Selina laughed. "Bruce Wayne singing Christmas carols. That's something I just have to see to believe."

"Me too." He said quietly again.

They stayed silent again till they reached Multigon's office not long after. Selina let Bruce take the lead with everything all the way until he introduced her to Stern, and then she really let it loose.

Bruce sat reclined in his chair, entertained watching Selina passionately argue her case, but Stern wouldn't bend. His watch beeped a quick pattern and he took out his phone. It showed him a sonar image of the room he was in, hidden compartments and secret entrances from the front wall to the end.

"The land's in the middle of nowhere. It's worthless except to wildcats!"

Interesting, Bruce thought with an etched brow.

"My dear, you just don't understand development potential."

She didn't, but he did. As a businessman, he wouldn't risk investing a penny in such a project... unless there was something much bigger going on behind the scene.

"As for the cats, Multigon will take care of them. One way or another."

Bruce really didn't like that. He doubted the message was lost on Catwoman. He leaned forward as cool as he could, placing one hand on Selina's back as his other went on the table, sneaking a tapping device on Stern's desk.

"Selina, I think we've extended our welcome. Thank you for your time, Stern." Bruce got up and offered his hand to Selina, but she managed fine by herself.

"Really, Bruce, I wish you'd asked me anything else. But I'm afraid the land just isn't a compromise."

"Oh you'll compromise with me, Mr. Stern, or I'll have every environmental group and activist breathing down your neck. They'll be looking at you and your project so closely you'll feel like a bug in a bell jar." Selina threatened and walked out.

Bruce shrugged and followed her down to the car.

"I'm sorry I wasn't much help after all." Bruce apologized as he got in the driver's seat.

"Well, at least now I know what their cover story is." Selina sighed and leaned back in her seat as Bruce drove off. "It's awfully late for lunch. Would you mind if I took a rain check on our date? Please."

Bruce laughed. "That's usually my line."

"So, pass?"

"Sure, some other time. Let's get you home."

That would be easier to do with a car in perfect condition. Some idiot decided to ram his pathetic street car into Bruce Wayne's sports mobile.

"Please tell me that was an accident."

The frowns in the rear view said otherwise. The car hit again before Bruce could speed up, leading the thugs into a chase. Selina squealed as a bullet hit the back mirror, not that it did much damage.

"Bullet proof. We'll be good, for a while."

The chase went on across Gotham city, and the heavy snowfall provided an extra challenge. They were almost to the bridge when the police finally caught up, giving chase behind the thugs.

"How exactly is that going to help?"

Before Bruce could answer, he had to swerve to give way to the motorcycle speeding their way. Bruce held a tight grip on the steering wheel, Selina gripping tight onto his arm, as he just barely managed to keep the car from going over the bridge.

Meanwhile, the blue bike had crashed head on into the second vehicle, its driver tumbling over the roof before he gracefully landed on the road. The police surrounded them, blocking off entry to the bridge.

Selina screamed as someone opened the passenger door from the outside, but a friendly smile peaked in.

"Everyone alright in here?" Nightwing asked in a chipper tone, not at all phased by recent events as he helped Selina out.

Bruce helped himself out and came over to their side.

"Not a good day for vehicles, is it?" Nightwing looked to Bruce's damaged car and his own totaled bike.

"Ooh. That looks bad." Selina commented on the bike.

"Eh, I'm sure the boss man and I can work something out." He winked at Bruce.

"Mr. Wayne!" A female voice called out, distracting them as Nightwing took his leave.

"Are you all right?" Detective Yin asked as she came over.

Bruce turned to Selina and took her hand. "Just a bit traumatized."

"Right. Let's get you both to the ambulance."

They got Selina a shock blanket at the ambulance and Bruce had Ellen personally drive Selina back to her place, requesting that a detail be placed around the building. The detective had driven off before Alfred drove in to pick up Bruce.

"A splendid first date, sir?"

"We rain checked."

"You did?"

"It was her!" Bruce entertainingly replied as meddled with his phone, connecting with the bug he'd left at M.I.G.H.T.

"But I think we'll make dinner tonight."

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