There was a bigger question lingered in her mind— that made her abruptly stood up from the couch, snatching the book out of Taehyung's hand once again before running out of her room.

She almost stumbled on her own feet because she was in a hurry to reach the front door.

When she opened it wide, turned her head right and left, scanning across the hallway, she was welcomed by nothing but emptiness.

Yoongi was already gone.

She was left speechless, her eyes kept glancing up and down between the book on her hand and the empty hallway.

"H-how did he get my book?"

Jimin chugged down the beer can empty before he threw it on the cement ground behind his back. He sighed furiously as he sat at the edge of the tall building, leaning his back on the safety railing, staring down absentmindedly at the city light below him. The wind blew strongly, tousled his hair messily.

"Jimin..." the grim flinched upon hearing his name being called. He quickly turned around and gasped upon hearing the familiar voice.

"Sejin-ssi!" Jimin stood up from his seat instantly, jumped back behind the railing.

There was a man way taller than his height, way bigger than his size, wearing a white shirt and a red vest covered with a black blazer, paired with black colored cotton pants, taking off the black hat over his head.

He has a big round face, small eyes, thin lips. He fixed black-rimmed glasses that keep slipping down to his nose bridge before flashing him a gentle smile.

The man slowly approached and stood next to him at the edge of the building.

"You know you can't drink when you're on duty, Jimin-ssi." The grim cursed under his breath before looking at the empty can he just discarded on the floor as the evidence.

Sejin was his name. You could say he's the one who managed all of the grim reaper's schedules. He's one of the high ranked officials. Although by a glance, no one would believe he is the angel of the death, Jimin was too, at first.

When he was just a newbie, he never took Sejin seriously because of how kind he appeared to be. Jimin made trouble once and Yoongi ended up throwing him to Sejin to handle and that one time he finally showed him his true form.

To make it simple, ever since then, Sejin was the only grim reaper Jimin feared the most, he never thought someone could die twice until he met him. Jimin thought he almost lost his life for the second time when Sejin was angry at him, literally growing horns on top of his head.

And they're not pretty.

"I mean, we grim reaper can't get drunk, can we?" Jimin chuckled awkwardly, fiddling with his fingers nervously as he hoped Sejin wasn't going to scold him.

"Technically, we are already dead so this human drink won't have any effect on us. But still, why are you drinking it? Not that it will work." The taller said as he cocked his head to the side.

Jimin sighed and looked up. "Are you here to pester me about Yoongi again? If you're here for that, I have to apologize in advance, Sejin-ssi. I don't think I can handle him anymore, I'm quitting this quest." The taller just smiled at him, not muttering a single reply.

"You can punish me or whatever, but I'm not doing it anymore!" He yelled.

"You don't have to follow Yoongi anymore." The taller told him.

Jimin widened his eyes. "F-for real?" He had been assigned to follow Yoongi for years ever since he had saved the girl's life when she was a child. Jimin has to convince and make sure Yoongi to do his last duty.

But as Jimin could already guess since the very beginning. It was useless. Yoongi won't listen to him. Jimin ended up wasting his time, following the older like a lost puppy, wasted his energy on a constant fight with him.

"But how about his 100th soul?" Jimin asked he raised his head to meet the taller's male eyes.

Are they going to set her free?

Sejin smiled at him and every time he smiled, it always sent down chill down to Jimin's spine.

"Don't worry. Father already took care of it." Jimin widened his eyes upon hearing the news.

"Father took care of it?!" If father had to take care of this matter on his own, this meant a huge deal.

"But how?" Jimin asked curiously since he had attempted so many times in so many ways but it never worked on the older.

Deep down inside Jimin was partly happy, like 'y don't u do this sooner' but at the same time, he felt bad for Yoongi.

"You'll find it out soon." Sejin placed the black hat back over his head before climbed up the edge of the building behind him.

"and this time, Yoongi will have no other choice but to take his last 100th soul away."

This book is going to end soon. 💔
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