Chapter 16

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Viktor's 'excuse me what the fuck' face gives me life⬆️

I'm back, despite popular belief, I'm not dead. I know shocking right? I almost died this morning when my clumsy ass tripped and fell down that stairs, but that's besides the point. I'm so very sorry for the mini-hiatus, if you've been looking at my announcements, you know I've been dealing with some shit, but it's getting better, so here I am. Expect some more spread out updates because I have a bunch of tests coming up that I need to study for, among other things, but I'll try to update ASAP. Sorry for this paragraph oml

Quick question before I start this chapter...



*Deep breath*

Alright I'm okay. I'll stop being annoying now. Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

Deku POV:
I opened my eyes to light flooding into my room. Well, now it's mine and Dabi's room because Dabi just started sleeping here, claiming that he needs to make sure I don't die randomly in my sleep, but that isn't fooling anyone. We all know it's because he just wants to be with me, but I'm not complaining.
Anyway, when I woke up, Dabi was nowhere to be seen, So I assumed he was already awake and doing something. I tried to block out the sun with my blanket, but only succeeded is rolling out of the bed and landing on the hard wood floor in a heap. Being too tired to care, I just put a pillow that fell with me over my head and went back to sleep.
After an hour of me sleeping on the floor, I was awoken by someone coming into my room to get me up.
"Deku! Your boyfriend wants you to come with him and Todo somewhe- why are you on the floor?"
It was Sakura. I groaned and buried my head deeper into the blanket.
"Don't ask. I'll be out in a minute Sakura"
"I- fine. Dabi is making you some lunch so come out soon"
"Thank you Sakura"
"Your welcome Deku"
I groaned again and sat up, yawing.

No one POV
Deku stood up after rubbing his eyes and wrapped his blanket over his shoulders. He walked to the kitchen, still slightly out of it due to still being sleepy, and plopped down in a chair next to Sakura, who smiled,
"Morning sleepyhead!"
"Morning Sakura"
Sakura giggled at his sleepy voice and skipped into the kitchen to tell Dabi that his boyfriend was awake. A few minutes later, Dabi came out and set a bowl of Katsudon in front of him.
"Aww Dabi, that's my favorite"
"I know, now eat up. We've got plans today"
It didn't take long for Deku to finish his food, because he was really hungry, and it was his favorite, AND Dabi made it for him. When he was finished he places his bowl in the sink and went to get dressed, putting on some ripped black skinny jeans, a Panic At The Disco t-shirt, and an old green hoodie. He attempted to brush his hair, but soon gave up calming it and walked out of his room to find Dabi. He found him in a heated discussion with Toga about a video game they were both obsessed with.
"Hey Dabi, I'm ready"
"Wha- Oh yeah, go change into Ki and I'll be right there"
"Okay" Deku rolled his eyes. Now he had to go find Iro, and nobody ever knew what they were doing in their free time. After a bit of looking, they were found in the lab mixing some kind of a cake batter-like substance that was a glowing blue color.
"Iro what- you know what, I'm not even gonna ask. I need to to turn me into Ki please"
"Sure thing Deku"
Deku's appearance shifted, and Iro went back to their mixing.
"Thanks Iro"
"You are welcome Deku"
Deku walked back out to the main room to find Dabi, who looked like the silver haired boy that visited Deku after his fight, and Todoroki, whose hair was back to its red color, waiting by the door for him.
"You ready to go babe?"
Deku narrowed his eyes, "where are we going exactly? I don't trust either of your judgments and I don't want to be lead to a crackhouse or anything"
"We are not going to a crackhouse Deku! Me and your boyfriend thought it would be cool to go out and have fun. Y'know like bro-time"
"Alright, Todo, I will go if you never say that again. Like ever."
"Done, Dabi your boyfriend is no fun"
Dabi laughed
"Exuse me Shoto I happen to think I'm very fun. Your just being cringe"
"We'll see, now let's get a move on!"
Todoroki lead the way out of the hideout, then Dabi, and finally Deku. Todo lead the group to his car, and everyone filed into the car, being slightly illegal as Deku was sitting on Dabi's lap in the passenger seat while Shoto was driving. Did they care? Not at all. Their existence was illegal.
They drove along for a while into the city, just chatting about random things, before Todoroki pulled behind a building into a nearly empty parking lot. He parked and everyone got out, Todoroki leading the way with a determined look on his face. Dabi smirked at the confused Deku, before grabbing his hand and pulling him to follow Shoto.
"Shoto where are we going?"
"But where is that?"
"Uggggg Shoto! What about you Dabi? I know you know where we are headed"
"It's like Shoto said, we are going somewhere"
He was cut off by Dabi giving him a little peck "sometimes you just gotta go with the flow dear"
"Fine. I just thought of this, what do I call you in front of other people when you look like this?"
"I didn't give it much thought... why don't you think of something?"
"Okay, ummm"
"I think your name should be Culus"
"That sounds cool Shoto! What does it mean?"
"I'm glad you asked Deku, it means Asshole in Latin"
Deku started giggling and Dabi punches his brother in the arm
"Okay okay, no need to punch me, what about Kaen? It means Flame and that's kinda your thing"
"That's actually pretty cool babe, you are all about fire"
"Kaen it is"
They started walking in silence, before Dabi randomly burst out laughing.
"What's so funny Dabi?"
"Yeah, bro, what happened"
"It's just that I just realized something. Our names in both of our personas start the same. Deku and Dabi, and Kichi and Kaen"
Deku started laughing too "that is a weird coincidence"
"Maybe it's because we're meant to be together"
"Alright, alright. You guys are gonna make me throw up with all this lovey dovey stuff. Anyways, we are here"
Todoroki turned to an old abandoned office building and walked in with Dabi, Deku following them warily.
"Hey uhh, you sure this is safe?"
Shoto chuckled, "no, but that's never stopped us before"
"That's not very helpful Shoto. Dabi, come here please, I need reassurance"
"Heh, okay" Dabi went over and grabbed Deku's hand, who immediately started hugging his arm.
"Let's go now"
"Finneeeee. But if I die I'll kill you Shoto Todoroki"
"That is a risk I'm willing to take"
Todoroki and a Dabi lead the still confused Deku to the door to roof of the building.
"What are we doing. ON A ROOF babe?"
"You'll see"
Dabi grabbed the door handle and opened the door to the roof and lead Deku through. On the roof there were some chairs and snacks and a tv with a stack of video games next to it.
"Well, something we all like is video games, and it's fun, and up here no one would bother us, not to mention a great veiw"
"I was skeptical at first, but this is actually pretty cool Todo"
"Thank you, I try, now let's play, with no whining Togas or annoyed Shigarakis to stop us"
Deku thought for a moment, then smiled "I'm gonna beat you this time Dabi"
"No your not"
"Game on"

Again, I'm sorry for the long wait, I'll try and make it faster... thanks for reading!!


Word count: 1395

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