why can't I die? (Intro)

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I have read most of the mangas and watched all of the anime so there will be some spoilers. There will be some violence and questionable language in this story. I wouldn't call it "mature" per say, but you are advised to use your best judgement. There will also be self harm and multiple suicide attempts in this story, if this triggers you, please don't read and if that is something you are struggling with please get yourself some help. Even if i don't know you personally, I still would never want harm to come to any of you, especially if it were self-inflicted. Love you all, and thank you for reading this little paragraph.


(Story will be in Izuku's POV unless otherwise stated AND the whole thing with All Might happened in the middle of their last year, not at the end )

Hello, My name is Izuku Midoriya. For you to understand my story, I need to explain some things. It all started a few months ago, when I asked my idol, All Might, if a quirkless nobody like me could become a hero. 'You need to be realistic' he said. What he didn't know, was that with those few words he had shattered my lifelong dream, my whole world. After he left, I almost jumped off the skyscraper, but someone came out of the building to get me before I could.
After that my whole life fell apart. I withdrew my UA application, and signed up for a public high school near my house. Once Kachaan found out I was giving up, he bullied me worse than he did before, calling me names and beating me up more frequently. Him telling me to take a swan dive off the roof became a daily occurrence, so one day I decided to give him what he wanted and climbed to the roof. A girl from a different class that would sometimes scold Kachaan and his followers after they would torment me followed me to the roof, and despite her screams and cries I jumped. When I woke up in a hospital bed two days later, I started to cry. Not because of remorse like my mother and the doctors thought, but because I was alive. I wanted it to end so badly it hurt, but I decided to try and hold on for a little while longer.
When I went back to school a few weeks later, the bullying somehow got even worse because of my failed attempt at death. More people joined in the ridiculing, and everyone would tell me to try it again, as if seeing how long I could last. Apparently 3 weeks, as when the last week of school came around I stole a bottle of painkillers from someone's backpack and took them all in the bathroom during lunch.
Much to my dismay, I once again woke up in a hospital bed. My mom hasn't let me out of her sight for a few months now, and I've decided to live, for her sake. Well, that was before she had a heart attack and died. Stress the doctor said. Stress because of me. I had nothing left anymore, so that's about where we are now, walking to the tallest building in my city.
As I walk I think about how everyone's life will improve when I'm gone. All the people from school will be happy, its them who told me to do this right? I'll make more space for people who actually matter. I don't have any friends. I doubt my dad even knows, nor cares that I exist.              I have no one.
I near the building and take the elevator to the roof. When I get off I decide to write a note so I won't have to burden the people who find me after death my making them identify me. I take my old, scorched hero notebook and write:

Dear anyone who cares to read this,

I'm sorry, but if I don't have a quirk, I can't do anything useful except die and make room for  the  people who can actually do something. I know you will all be better off without me. The only reason I've had for life for months was my mom, and even she's gone, and it's all my fault. I don't know if anyone actually cares about me, but I know more people want me dead than alive. As Kachaan said, I'm just a waste of space and should just die, so I am.

Kachaan, I don't know what I did to you to deserve your constant ridiculing, but now you'll get what you want. I'll finally die.

My former classmates, Thank you for enforcing what I already knew, That I'm nothing more than a useless, pathetic, waste of space.

Mom, If you can see this where you are, I'm so sorry. Your doctor told me that it was stress that caused your heart to stop. Stress about me.

They always say third times the charm, Right? Goodbye world

Izuku Midoriya

I placed the notebook on the edge of the roof, open to the page with the note on it. I climbed over the railing and just sat there for a moment, feeling the wind on my face for the last time. As I closed my eyes, I felt a tug on the back of my jacket. As I turned I was met with a figure that had their hood covering their face, and I could just see blue eyes peeking out. We just stared at each other for a few seconds before I spoke,
"You won't get me to change my mind"
After a few more seconds of staring the mysterious man spoke, in a raspy voice, "You might want to reconsider, as I can take you to a place with people just like you. Mistreated, broken people, and I can help you get revenge on those who hurt you" He picked up my note "I can help you serve justice to all your old classmates, and this 'Kachaan' fellow. That's what you believe in isn't it? Justice?"
After what this man had said, I slowly stepped back over the railings, not losing eye contact with this stranger the whole way. "where will we go?"
"Well before I tell you that you have to die"
"And a new you has to be born"
"So I need to fake my own death?"
"And how am I supposed to do that?"
"Just leave that to me, and you need to pick out a new name, or even just a phrase people will know the new you as,"
After thinking for a few minutes, I came up with a name that fit me perfectly, "My name will be Deku. That was what my tormentor always called me, and now I can turn it around"
"Perfect, now lets go, before we draw attention to ourselves on this roof"
As if right on cue, a purple, swirling portal appeared out of nowhere, and before I walked through, I hesitated, "Before I follow you into the swirly, purple, thing, I'll need to know your name"
"Of course Deku, my names Dabi, now come on before someone sees us"
And with that, The newly created boy Deku, walked through the portal, into the unknown.

Thank for reading!

Word count: 1233

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