Chapter 28

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First off
I am so super sorry that I've been MIA for like a month, I got really sick and then school got crazy and- THE POINT IS I'M SORRY!!!!!
Lastly, yes this is the last chapter, and after I upload this I am going to go back and edit it before starting another story.
I luv you guys so much <3 !!!

Lè Time skip brought to you by me lying to my mother that I had slept some after she caught me eating an eggo waffle at 4 in the morning.
I had been 5 years since everybody had gotten Their hero licenses. Dabi had proposed to Deku and they had their wedding, all the while trying to be the best heroes they could. Both Deku and Sakura kept their promises and worked as co-Teachers for the new classes at UA, Deku doubling as the UA counselor, as remarkably, the number one school for heroics in the country, didn't have one. (I think that they did, but just ignore that detail) Everyone who used to be in the league still lives together, just not in the rundown bar anymore, they now had a nice apartment-like building all to themselves, so they could still be together and have their own space at the same time. After talking it over, Deku and Dabi sought out a quirk user that could combine their DNA and, you know where this is going. Uraraka even agreed to be their surrogate, after all the pair had done so much for her, she wanted to return the favor. Over all, not much else had changed, and everyone was happy where they were.

Lé time skip 3 years later brought to you by my turtle, who is staring into my soul as I write this.
Deku and Dabi had just gotten back from UA and stepped out of the car to pick up their kids from daycare. They had ended up having boy/girl twins. The boy, who they had named Riku, had curly hair like Deku's, but it was a dark red, and had soft blue eyes. The girl, named Kanna, had long, straight green hair that had little red highlights and the same blue eyes as her brother. Both twins had inherited Deku's crazy freckles.
"Dad! Papa! Guess what?!!" Riku was jumping around excitedly while Kanna was just standing there with a smile on her face, but her eyes showed she was just a exited as her slightly younger brother.
Izuku smiled as the kids ran over to them "what's got you guys so excited?"
"We Got our quirks!"
Deku's smile got even wider, and Dabi chuckled a bit.
"Well what are they?"
Kanna and Riku both concentrated, and wings that looked like they were made of fire appeared on their backs. Kanna's were a forest green color, and Riku's were a bright blue. Riku's wings disintegrated and he frowned I disappointment.
Dabi grinned, "well we should get you guys to the quirk specialist huh?"
The drive to the Quirk specialist was filled with the twins talking about everything they knew about their quirks. It wasn't uncommon for twins to get their quirks on the same day, nor was it strange that their powers seemed really similar.

Just a tiny time skip brought to you by how me and my 12 year old cousin set off the fire alarm at the family gathering today by hitting it with one of those huge yoga ball things... fun times~
After spending about two hours with the specialist, it was discovered that the twins powers were extremely similar, but not the same. Both could create wings they could eventually use to fly around, and control fire that they create. Riku's blue flames (Blue exorcist who? I'm sorry I'll stop) did nearly the same thing as his father's, destroying anything they touch, while Kanna's green flames did quite the opposite. They were able to fix things that had been broken. The twins had decided quite a while ago that the wanted to be a hero duo together, so they were delighted to find they had such compatible quirks. They decided to call both their quirks Phoenix, differentiating them by the color, so Riku's was Blue Phoenix, and Kanna's Green Phoenix.

Lè time skip to when the twins are 15 brought to you by me scaring the shit out of my mom because I did gore makeup and she thought I was asleep
Riku and Kanna had trained with their dads and could now control their powers perfectly. They could both fly for a maximum of 3 hours before they got tired and had to take a break, and could control where their flames go. They both easily passed the UA entrance exam and were in class 1-A with Aizawa, who didn't seem to be retiring from teaching anytime soon. Dabi had gone on patrol, and they said goodbye to Deku, who was going to his office. Riku lead the way to 1-A while Kanna lagged behind surveying everything. That's another reason why they were a good team, Riku was more of a, 'fight now talk later' kind of hero, while Kanna liked to make strategic moves and think through every option, so they balanced each other out. They got to their classroom and walked in. They already knew Aizawa, they had been introduced by their dads, so they waved and sat next to each other near the back of the class. After everyone arrived Aizawa conducted the quirk assessment test he did every year, and because of their powerful quirks, and the fact that they had been training since they were small, the twins got the top two spots, Kanna ranking just above Riku because she had always been slightly more agile than her brother.
When it was time for lunch, the twins sat at an empty table with their food and started eating. They were just chatting when a boy with neon green hair they knew as Suzuki from their class walked over and stood next to their table, and Riku took the opportunity to make friends.
"Hi! My names Riku and this is my sister Kanna! You can call us by our first names so it doesn't get confusing!"
The green haired boy glared at him "Yeah I know who you are"
"Oh! Well do ya want to sit down?"
"No. Why would I want to sit with villians?"
Kanna jumped in, confused "we're not villians! Why would you think that?"
"Well your parents are Villains, so it would make sense"
Riku growled "Our parents aren't villains!"
"That's not what I heard, I heard they were the worst!"
Riku stood up accidentally knocking over his chair while Kanna just glared at Suzuki.
That caught the attention of both other students and Aizawa, who was walking down the hallway at the time. Even though he would never admit it, Aizawa really liked both Deku and Dabi in the time that he'd known them, and wasn't gonna let anyone disrespect them after all they did for society.
"Suzuki! I'll have you know that both the people you are disrespecting are great heroes and will be treated as such!"
"But Mr.Aizawa! My older brother told me about them! They were horrible!"
"Have you ever actually seen the facts on tv or on the news?"
"Well no, but-"
"Suzuki, why don't you go talk to the counselor about this. (Yandere simulator war flashbacks) I don't think you were meaning to be rude, just ill informed"
Suzuki groaned, but walked down the hallway anyway as Aizawa smirked and pulled out his phone.
Once he got to the door, Suzuki knocked and heard 'come in' from the other side. The counselor had really curly green hair, a kind looking face and freckles.
"Please, sit, Aizawa notified me about why you're here, and I only have one question before we talk"
Suzuki rolled his eyes "yeah?"
"Do I look like a villain to you?"
"No? Why would you?"
Izuku's smiled softly "what are your first thoughts about me?"
"Umm, I mean you look like you're nice, but whatever does this have to do with anything?"
Izuku's smile got bigger as he held back a small chuckle "Oh! I never told you my name! I'm Mr.Midoriya, and your Suzuki, right?"
Suzuki's eyes widened "I-I-I-"
"I'm not a villain, and neither is my husband, It's never a good idea to judge someone on rumors"
"I-I-I'm sorry-"
"Oh don't worry about it"
Suzuki and Deku talked for a while, and cleared up his false beliefs, before Deku looked at the time, "why don't you go back to class now, the bell is going to ring soon"
The bell hadn't rung yet, so Suzuki met back up with Kanna and Riku. "I'm am deeply sorry to both of you, you dad is so nice, I shouldn't have judged you guys when I didn't really know the facts"
Riku just smiled, "oh don't worry about it, it's a common misconception! I would love for us to be friends if that's okay!"
Kanna nodded in agreement
"Yeah, sure! Uh, do you guys want to walk to class together?"
"Yes, we should get going now" Kanna looked at her brother, who late for everything.
"Yeah yeah I'm going! So Suzuki, how does your quirk work?"
"Yes I was wondering as well!"
The twins had picked up their love for quirks from their dad, who still kept a notebook with him everywhere.
"I'll tell you guy on the way, we're gonna be late!"
The trio started walking to the classroom, talking as they did, unaware of the audience to their conversation. Nezu didn't seem to have aged at all and was still the principle. He had taken up the hobby of watching his students, as he found them entertaining, and had happened to be in the cafeteria when the twins and Suzuki had started talking. He had taken interest in them from the beginning and chuckled as the trio walked away.
"Those three are interesting" Nezu murmured to himself "Ill have to watch them and see what happens next, I mean, Their parents were interesting and I saw what happened then."


Question: To Bakuhoe Thotsuki (Brilliant world choice) Why did it take you so long to realize what was happening to Deku? It was kinda obvious.
Bakuhoe Thotsuki: I was blinded by rage and once I actually had the thought in my head that I would never see him again, everything sunk in at once. I regret my decisions and me and Deku are good friends now.

Question: Iro, what exactly made you become a villain?
Iro: When I was 13, I told my family about my gender identity and they didn't accept me. It started out as them just pretending I never told them, to eventually them straight up acting like I didn't exist. School wasn't much better, I had always wanted to be a hero but was bullied because of my weak quirk and my weird nature, so when I was almost 15 I saved up a bunch of money and ran away to try and escape everything. It was good at first, but soon the money ran out and I started just doing what I could to get by. A few weeks before I met the league, I was living in an abandoned building and Toga found me and let me stay with her in her house. We became friends and joined the league together. You know the rest of the story.

Question: Author, what made you think of writing this book?
Me: Well I had just finished up my Klance book, and was starting to get really into the Villian AU, and after reading a bunch of really great fanfics (My favorites are all on my reading list) I decided, what the hell! Let's write my own! And thus, this was born.

Question: Sakura-If you hadn't known what Deku did for your family with the whole killing your family's killer and all-what would you think of him?
Sakura: I feel like I would still look up to him because he's done so much good, even though he's been discriminated against for being quirkless, like me. Even if I didn't know he was quirkless, he's so kind and friendly I couldn't imagine a scenario where we weren't friends!

Question: The League- Honest to god who do you think the next ship is gonna be?
Toga: Oh! I can answer this one! Bakugo and Kirishima have been flirting since high school, but their both too dumb to realize it.
Deku: Yes, I agree. Kacchan's too hard-headed to realize anything.
Dabi: Tomura has also been whining about wanting a girlfriend for a while, although with his crusty ass, that might be a bit difficult.
Tomura: Did anyone ask you, you burnt chicken nugget?!
Dabi: DONT call me that
Sakura: Guys c'mon! I'm sure there's a girl out there somewhere for you Shigi!
Iro: Good call babe! If the burnt chicken nugget got married, I'm sure the crusty musty man can too!
Iro: *Runs away*
Deku: I think we are done with this question... DABI DONT MURDER IRO!!!

That's it! Thank you to @summerpaw1020 @Shonen_Nerd and @Thedadfriend2 for giving questions.

Signing out for the last time, I love you all Sooooo much! Thank you for reading!


Word count: 2316

What happens Then? (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora