When I came home from work that day, I discovered they still hadn't returned from the city. It was already late, but I didn't make a fuss about it. Isabelle almost never went out and she deserved to have some fun. Besides, I wasn't about to assume the role of a possessive asshole who tracked her every move. That could only work to my disadvantage and it would make me sink even lower in her eyes.

Since I was tired from work and didn't expect them to come home anytime soon, I'd eaten by myself and then retired to the bedroom. Following my usual habits, I took a shower and thought nothing of coming into the room stark naked to dry myself off. When the door opened and Isabelle came inside just in time as I was drying my hair and stood in front of her completely nude, I realized that might have been a bad idea. Her entire face reddened in a fierce blush and she gasped like she was shocked, turning around and bolting for the door.

"Isabelle, don't!" I called her name in a calm voice, opting to react with a cool temper as if nothing was wrong. "Turn around."

For a moment, she stood frozen in front of the door and then she turned around to face me again, all the while blushing like crazy and looking at the floor. Her innocence was fucking contagious and I could feel my blood heating up beneath the surface.

"It's okay. You can look now," I said softly as I wrapped the towel around my waist.

Then, I found myself walking towards her and I shook my head as she backed away from me until her back hit the door. Don't make me chase you, sweetheart. It will only make me want you more. The need to look into her eyes made me tilt up her chin and uncover the pretty face she kept hidden away. When our eyes met, she was all flustered and embarrassed. The sounds of her heavy breathing infiltrated my ears and I couldn't stop myself from getting hard. If she knew the thoughts that were running in my head at that moment, she'd fucking run. I leaned just a little bit closer and couldn't help but snicker at her instant show of wariness. Her expression told me fear wasn't the primary thing that bothered her, but she was too inexperienced to discern why the air between us suddenly became heavy and loaded with vibrations. Isabelle had no way to recognize chemistry and I wasn't about to teach her. What I had to do was to be fucking patient and tear myself away from her.

"You should get ready for bed," I whispered, stepping away from her.

While every cell in my body protested at the distance I'd created between us, my little wife disappeared into the adjoining bathroom with such speed like she was chased by ten angry devils. As I waited for her in bed, I tried to think about everything and anything else except the fact that I wanted her more than I wanted any other woman, but the moment she emerged out of the bathroom, I was mesmerized, caught under her spell and completely fucked.

Using the remote control, I turned off the chandelier lamp and the room was bathed in the dim light coming from the lamp on the nightstand, creating an impression of an intimate atmosphere that only added to the torment. Though it was clear Isabelle was still upset and ashamed, she made herself walk to the bed and my eyes followed every step she took in my direction. I lifted the sheets on her side of the bed and she lay on the mattress, turning away from me and flinching the moment I covered her body.

There was no point in denying I knew why she was frightened. Now that she felt better, she expected me to try and force intimacy on her. Not to mention that she'd just seen me naked and the way in which I'd handled the situation was probably making her imagination run wild. Once again, I reminded myself that I had to keep my hands away. I closed my eyes and tried to inhale that soothing scent of hers in the hope it would help me fall asleep, but I could sense she was afraid and I couldn't leave her like that. I had to do something.

I reached out towards her, closing my hand around her shoulder and I could feel her stiffen under my touch, but I wouldn't let her evade me.

"Isabelle," I whispered her name, but there was no reply.

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