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The church interiors had always filled me with an eerie feeling and the one I had found myself in seemed even more bizarre because of the ceremony that was about to take place in mere minutes. Holding a cold and serious expression on my face, I observed the crowd that had gathered to witness an exchange of vows which would hold no meaning and represent the highest form of mockery to the sanctity of marriage.

Most of the guests came from my side of the family, but there were a few unfamiliar faces whose appearance and mannerisms screamed they belonged to that other side that would have chosen not to be present if they had any sense of decency left. Pure anger surged through my veins at the very sight of them and I had to look away in order to restrain the rage that burned to escape to the surface. Jared was standing next to me and he was quiet, respecting the reasons behind my black mood and keeping his distance. As it was, he had enough of his own problems to worry about. It was of small comfort that Amelia had agreed to attend the wedding for the sake of keeping appearances, but he was far from being forgiven for his sins.

Suddenly, the commotion among the people dissipated into complete silence and my eyes darted towards the entrance where the veiled bride dressed in sheer whiteness waited to be walked to the altar. A man whom I supposed was her father took hold of her arm and slowly led her towards me. Unlike the rest of her family, he wasn't smiling but kept an indifferent expression on his face like it was not his own flesh and blood that he was about to hand over to a complete stranger. The muffled whispers reclaimed the space around me and grew in their number with every step she took in my direction, but I ignored them. Instead, my gaze burned on the girl who was about to become my bride. Unlike the last time when she was dressed in a way that made her look older, the dress she was wearing now flattered her figure and it revealed the beautiful body of a young woman. Her face was hidden under the thick veil and it bothered me because I wanted her to look right into my eyes as she'd claim her role as my wife.

Nevertheless, I had to admit that her demeanor was not that of a woman celebrating her victory, but quite the opposite. Defying every single law of logic, she appeared to have been hesitant and wavering. Perhaps she was reconsidering her decision now that she was about to face me again. The thought caught me off guard and a grain of hope I had long ago abandoned returned to taunt me with the possibility of escape. The moment she came to stand in front of me, I straightened my posture and offered her my hand, careful to keep an indifferent expression on my face. Her cold fingers leaned against mine with uncertainty she could not hide and I took it as a confirmation that not everything had been lost. I wasn't the type of a man who begged or pleaded for anything, but this situation called for an exception. Ignoring Rosario's warnings that I shouldn't engage in any further discussions regarding this marriage, I took one last risk and leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

"You don't have to do this, Isabelle. Just say the word and you will walk out free. It's not too late," I said in a matter-of-fact tone, cautious not to betray myself to the people that surrounded us.

I could feel her slight quivering and I knew she had heard every single word of what I'd said, but there was no reply or a reaction that would lead me to believe she considered taking my advice and putting a stop to the charade. The pastor appeared before us and her grip tightened on my hand. It was enough for me to know she was determined to proceed with the ceremony despite the fact I had just once again made it crystal clear that I didn't want to get married. No matter how high the price for carrying the last name Everett, she was willing to pay it. The audacity of these people left me so disgusted that I had to force myself to stand still as the pastor began his preaching. The words washed over me like they held no purpose or meaning and the only thing that preoccupied my mind before this marriage even started was how I was going to get myself out of it.

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