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The scent of spring invaded my senses and the first thing I became aware of was the raging erection in my boxers and the scorching heat that emanated from a source that was somewhere above me, burning my skin. As I slowly regained my consciousness, the events of the previous night trickled back into my memory and I opened my eyes to the incredible sight of Isabelle who was still sleeping in my embrace. Her forehead was resting against my shoulder and her golden hair was spread over my chest. The fingers of her hand were gently closed around my left biceps, like she was unconsciously searching for comfort in my strength. A painful lump formed in my throat because I knew she'd react with absolute terror and flee from my arms if she were awake. 

Careful not to disturb her, I lowered my free hand to adjust the position of my cock so that she wouldn't brush against it. The last thing I wanted was that she woke up thinking that I'd want to fuck her like she meant nothing to me. With everything in me, I tried to prolong this moment of peace, but Isabelle's body felt so unbearably hot against mine that I had no other choice but to move away from her.

Apart from that, it was time for me to get up and make myself ready. The fact that I'd been working from home one whole week had been a huge exception to a very old rule of mine and it was past time for me to return to The Goliath where I could keep a closer eye on everything that went on in the company. Though it was very early, I preferred to cut my sleep short and take my time to follow a well exercised routine in the mornings that consisted of a cold shower, long breakfast and the latest issue of The Guardian.

Pulling the covers over Isabelle's body, I took one last look at her and then I noticed her face was deeply flushed and she was sweating like crazy. I rested my palm against her sweaty forehead and discovered she was burning up in fever. That explained the feeling of heat that woke me up. My little wife suffered the grave consequences for getting soaked to the bone in the garden. The moment I got out of bed with the intention to search for something that would reduce her fever, Isabelle stirred and moaned softly. Her eyes opened slightly and she seemed to be semi-conscious. As she tried to sit up, the towel around her started sliding down, uncovering her naked chest. Last night I had reached a decision that I wouldn't commit even one more act of betrayal against her. Since I had every intention to follow up on it, I averted my eyes and covered her up to her neck once again. However, she had no intention to stay in that position and before I could credit her intentions, she was attempting to get out of bed despite the fact that she didn't have an ounce of energy left.

"No," I instructed in a soft tone, gently pushing her body back to the mattress. "You need to stay in bed, Isabelle. You are sick."

"I'm not sick," she said stubbornly. "I'm just tired."

"Then sleep," I whispered.

"Okay," she relented and then said quietly, "but please don't tell Sebastian."

If it wasn't for the gravity of the situation, I would have laughed at her feverish request. Isabelle was truly out of it and I knew I should let her rest and get her something that would make her feel better, but I couldn't help asking, "Why not?"

"He'll be angry with me," she murmured with slight tremor in her voice. "He is always angry."

A pang of guilt closed around my heart at the realization that she feared me that much. I had learned more about my wife in a span of one night than in all those weeks after our wedding. Isabelle was fragile and she was hurting...because of me. Mesmerized by what I found out, I stared at her as she returned into my bed and wrapped her body in a fetal position. She was so fucking beautiful that it hurt to look at her. I had finally admitted to myself that I had feelings for her, but now that I knew how much I'd wronged her, I was petrified that it was too late to reverse the course of this marriage. Sebastian, how the hell are you going to fix this?

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