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Please proceed with caution! This chapter can be very disturbing for some readers. Honestly, it is disturbing to me and I'm the one who wrote it. When I was writing this in Isabelle's POV it was describing pure emotion, but with Sebastian all there is to write about is anger, cruelty and mind games. I feel so sad and emotionally drained. :( :'

I did my best to do his character justice in this chapter, but it is hard. I swear no other chapter will be even as slightly messed up as this one. Also, I have published chapter eight along with this one because I think it's better if they are read together.

Please, give me your most honest reaction. I will truly appreciate it. 

PS. The new version of Virtue&Vanity is published on Wattpad so check it out if you are curious.


The moment we entered the lobby, the staff jumped on their feet and started their ridiculous routine of sucking up to a rich guest. They even went as far as congratulating me for getting married and I knew the whole show was Father's doing. Coming to that hotel had been a mistake and I had no idea what the hell I was doing there. All I knew was that something dark and dangerous snapped inside of me and I couldn't bring myself to take her home. Not yet.

Ignoring the receptionist's kind smiles and wishes as she was handing me the key, I kept a cold expression on my face and walked to my new wife who stood a few feet away, looking like she was taken aback by both the interior and people around her. She seemed confused when I asked her to follow me to the elevator, but my censuring gaze warned her not to push me by asking stupid questions. It took a split second for her to obey me, but it was enough to enhance my annoyance and when the elevator door opened I gave her a firm push inside because I was done with her ridiculous behavior.

The honeymoon suite was at the top floor and we were the only two people in the elevator. Being alone with her in that tight space made her the sole focus of my animosity that I was so tempted to unleash. Instead of giving in to this animalistic urge that pushed me to give in to my rage, I clenched my fists and tried to pretend she wasn't there. The moment the elevator stopped, I let out a breath of relief and told her to walk. I was aware she wasn't able to keep up with my fast pace, but I didn't give a damn. I unlocked the door and then waited for her without bothering to hide my irritation.

Head bent down, she slowly walked inside and my eyes fell on the small of her back and lingered there as she entered further. I had found myself staring for a few more moments and then, I followed after her, my eyes still glued to a cascade of long blonde hair that fell down her back. She came to stand in the center of the room and I approached her as she took her time to observe the luxurious space that was furnished with romantic touches such as flower arrangements and champagne that was served in a bucket of ice on the side table in the corner. The warm shaded lighting set up an inviting scene for couples to make love and it was beyond fucking ironic. The fury that ruled my system told me I should make her face me, but I didn't move an inch. Instead, I kept staring at that silky hair, inhaling a scent that reminded me of a garden in late spring out of all fucking things. Without even realizing it, I was coming closer. Suddenly, she stepped away and her back collided with my chest. I could feel my cock twitch in response to her closeness and if she hadn't jerked herself away from me, I'd have pulled her tighter against me.

Slowly, she turned to face me and her eyes glistened with building realization. I was aware of the fact that I stared at her like a wolf ready to claim his prey and extort his need for dominance, but I did nothing to control my unexpected response. Suddenly, the idea of claiming her on our wedding night didn't seem as appalling. It somehow offered a much needed distraction and it fed the furious beast that took hold of my soul.

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