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As much as I wanted to stay at home because Isabelle was far from being cured, I had a board meeting at The Goliath concerning the Las Vegas project that could end up costing us millions if we didn't come up with an immediate solution to the problem. The gathering was nothing but a formality that was meant to shed the light onto measures I had already taken, but since I was the chairman responsible for presiding over the committee, there was no way for me to avoid it so I headed to the company first thing in the morning, leaving my sick wife behind.

Emily was thrilled to see me and she'd spent a good half an hour in my office, explaining the purpose to each and every document that formed a neatly stacked pile on my desk and all I thought about was that I was in for a rough day. Without wasting a single minute of my time, I started clearing out my e-mail box and adjusting the schedule of all the delayed meetings in my agenda until it was time to attend the board meeting.

The members of the committee were used to seeing me in charge of the discussion. It was a common knowledge I was always making a ton of snappy comments and criticized every single point that was in need of improvement. In other words, I bit down on something and wouldn't let go until it was brought to the point of perfection. This meeting couldn't have been more different. Instead of laying out the plan myself, I had allowed Emily to do the talking for me and I stayed in the background, checking my phone every five minutes and itching to find out how things were at home.

The strangeness of my behavior was so obvious to everyone that one of the managers asked me if everything was alright. I snapped and said everything was fine, rationalizing that we could discuss this until tomorrow, but the actual work would still fall on my back so I didn't see the purpose of interfering unless they doubted my capability to see the project through as it was originally agreed with the client. As expected, nobody said one fucking word and the meeting was adjourned in a sour atmosphere.

The second I was back in my office, I called Anne and asked how Isabelle was doing. A part of me was dismayed by the fact that I was acting like some overly concerned husband who couldn't bear the idea of being away from his wife while she was sick, but the need to know was stronger that reason and pride. Even Anne was surprised by my call, but she made no comments about it and went on to reassure me that Isabelle was doing much better than the previous day, though she was still weak.

The news set my mind at ease and I could focus on the immense workload ahead of me. It was already noon and even though I knew it was an unattainable task, I wanted to try to come home earlier than usual which would still be late by most people's standards, but I couldn't afford to work normal hours. This was another first. I had never put anything else before work, let alone a woman. When I wanted to, I'd try to be as accessible as possible, but work had always been a part of the equation. Even Cora didn't qualify for that kind of sacrifice. But Isabelle did. The worst part was that I wasn't even mad about it. I just wanted to come home and see her. I wanted to come her. Sebastian, you are so fucked.

Determined to wrap things up as soon as possible, I turned off my cell phone and told Emily I wasn't taking any calls. Needless to say, I was beyond irritated when not a full hour passed and the phone rang.

"I said no calls," I bit out.

"Sir, I apologize, but it's your sister Helen," Emily revealed. "She's phoned a few times already and she says she'll come over if I don't let her speak to you."

This was typical stubborn Helen behavior. I told myself that I should just ignore her, but the thought that something serious might have happened to her at the house convinced me to take her call.

"Put her through," I said, pressing my fist against my forehead in the hope to ease my headache. After a few moments, Helen was on the line.

"Helen, this better be fucking urgent," I snapped. "And please explain to me why the hell you were blackmailing my assistant?"

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