Chapter 13

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 "I swear, if they don't let me out of this stupid glass building. I'll take my chances with the Underlings," Ryke says, standing at one of the floor-to-ceiling windows that serve as walls to our awful dormitory. He leans against the window, watching as families walk past us, gawking and pointing. Ryke sneers at them and runs a hand along his throat, sending the child away in screams of fear.

I groan and roll over on the bed, my leg aching. "Leave them alone, Ryke. It's not their fault the blasted Father won't let us out of here."

Hayl shifts in the bunk above me, making the wood creak. "They don't want us to interfere with the antidote. Greer let me help with the first few as a show of goodwill even though I came up with the entire thing."

It's been three days since they let us out of here, and everything we've learned has been through Audra and Luk. Once a day, Audra takes Luk to see Ila and updates us on the progress of the cure. So far, it's been completely successful on all of the children except for Ila. Ila remembers Luk, but she's still extremely confused and shows no signs of recovery. Luk doesn't complain though. When he does talk to us, which is rare, he just seems defeated, but not as broken as before when there wasn't much hope. At least Ila recognizes him now.

"At least the food's good," Tali says, and I see her on the bunk across from me, swinging her legs from the top bunk and munching on a fresh pear from the orchard. "Definitely better than the Underworld. What do they eat, mud?"

I glance at Elz, who sits next to Orrick on another bunk, leaning against his shoulder. She doesn't even look up and I don't bother to correct Tali. I'd rather not think about the Underlings right now.

"Audra said she was coming sometime today to let us out though, right?" Orrick says, glancing at Luk. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with Ryke. I vote we break out of here."

I follow Orrick's gaze to Luk, ignoring the rest of the same monotonous conversations we've had for the last three days. Luk doesn't look up but stares at the floor, leaning on his knees. He's barely said two words to any of us, and nothing to me. I don't know whether I want to punch him or kiss him.

He lied to me. He told me he left Domus behind, but up until the moment they captured me, he was feeding his evil father information. He was playing me, using me as a pawn in his game. He was never really on my side, not like he is with Ila, letting nothing come between them. But then he did stop working with Paul when his father forced him to choose between working with the Underlings and going back to Domus. Maybe he even made that choice for me. It's not like we can talk about it--we've been stuck in this room with everyone else, and Luk hardly looks at me.

The door to our small dormitory opens and Audra walks in. I still can't get used to her overly perky smile and huge teeth. "Good morning!" she chirps. She turns to Luk, who is unfortunate enough to be in the bunk closest to the door, and kisses him on both cheeks before he can stop her. Thankfully, she doesn't extend the greeting to the rest of us. "I'm sure you're anxious to leave the dormitory."

"Yes!" Ryke groans, turning towards her from the window. "Get us out of this strafing prison."

"Well, today's your lucky day! I've been authorized by our venerable Father to give you a tour of Domus now that the antidote has been successfully given."

Finally. We all murmur sighs of relief, and I even try to stand up but crash immediately back onto the bunk without the use of my crutches. Thanks to very little movement over the past few days, I haven't gained any more strength. Orrick comes to help me, grabbing my crutches and helping me stand. I don't even look at Luk. A few days ago, he would have leapt to help me but now we barely make eye contact.

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