Happily Ever After?

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Hey, Nalu shippers! I'm so excited but also sad because this is the last official chapter of Nalu: Remember Me! Of course, I will be publishing extras and sneak peeks, but please enjoy this last chapter! If you enjoy, please vote, comment, and follow. *More information about other stories in next chapter.* Enjoy, 'Happily Ever After?'
Natsu's POV:
"NATSU, PUT THE KNIFE DOWN!" Gajeel stopped playing, and silence filled the room. My heart skipped a beat as the knife dropped from my hands. I slowly turned around.
"What were you thinking Natsu?! If you kill yourself today, then there will be no hope of a tomorrow. A tomorrow full of possibilities. A tomorrow full of dreams that have come true and goals that have been reached. Do you really want to take that all away?" Tears began to fall from my eyes as the beautiful blonde that had been unreachable for so long was finally within reach. She was dressed in an astounding pink, white, and magenta gown, white long gloves that went above her elbows and had fleece at the ends, and white dress boots that went up to the middle of her shin. Her appearance was enough to make a king and queen give up the throne.
"L-Lucy...," I said, collapsing on my knees. I buried my face in my hands as tears began to fall from my eyes. Lucy crouched beside me and hugged me tightly.
"Natsu," Lucy whispered in my ear. "I haven't realized this until just now, but...,"

Lucy's POV: (The dream, a few days ago)
"Hey Natsu, where are you taking me?" I asked.
"You'll see." Natsu said. He continued to hold my hand as he guided me through the park. The sunset was casting a pink and purple hue across the sky.
"Alright, now close your eyes." Natsu said. The screen became dark as I closed my eyes. I could only hear the sound of footsteps on the grass and slight breathing. After a few moments, Natsu spoke again.
"Now you can open your eyes." He said. I opened my eyes, and a weeping willow appeared on the screen.
"Follow me," Natsu said. He approached the weeping willow and opened its leaves like a curtain. Inside the weeping willow was a picnic blanket topped with picnic baskets full of delectable food. I walked inside, and Natsu walked in after me.
"Wow." I said. "Did you do all of this?"
"Of course." Natsu replied. "I would do anything for you, Luce." I smiled and hugged him tightly. We ended the hug, and Natsu sat down and patted a seat besides him. I sat down, and Natsu handed me a basket. I opened it and saw a peanut butter jelly sandwich, strawberries, and yogurt inside.
"Aw, thanks Natsu!" I said. "How did you know I liked yogurt so much?"
"I don't know. Maybe I know because you have an entire fridge full of yogurt?" Natsu smiled. "I hope you enjoy!" I ate a spoonful of the yogurt and smiled.
"Thanks," I said.
"Hey," Natsu said. "I have an important question for you." He put his hand on the back of his neck and looked down. Wait! Was he blushing?
"Yeah, what is it?" I asked. I could feel my cheeks begin to get hot.
"W-will you...," Natsu said. "Will you be my girlfriend?" My entire face begin to burn.
"Uh...," I took a deep breath in and smiled. "Of course." Natsu breathed a sigh of relief and hugged me tightly.
"I love you, Natsu." I whispered in his ears.
"I love you more." He whispered.

Natsu's POV:
"...I love you even more." Lucy finished. My heart felt like it stopped beating entirely. My tears stopped falling and I froze completely. I couldn't believe it. I grabbed my scarf, wrapped it around Lucy's waist, and pulled her close. Our noses touched. She was mine. And for the first time in forever, as it seemed, she finally knew it. I kissed her on the lips, and the applause of the crowd arose. I felt as though I had just regained a part of me. Gajeel began playing again as Lucy and I got up and moved to the front, holding each other's hands tightly. I promise I won't let go ever again, I thought as Gajeel continued to play.

She's always there when I fall
Talk about cute she's got it all
I've never seen a girl so amazing
She's beautiful, it drives me crazy
I know I'm just an average man
With two very hardworking hands
But they don't work for anybody but
My blue haired queen, the perfect cut
My blue haired queen, the perfe-*CRASH!*

"Hey Natsu! The radio is being stupid again!"  I heard Lucy call from the living room. I walked into the living room and smacked the radio hard with my left hand. A few seconds later, the music came back on. Lucy smiled and ruffled my pink hair.
"Are you really listening to Gajeel's song again?" I asked.
"Yeah! It's got a pretty good beat to it." Lucy said.
"Hehe, I remember when he first played that song at the Blue Fall Ball a few years ago. Look how far he's come since then. Five years and he's already one of Fiore's top music artists! I can't believe he still is a Fairy Tail wizard. With all the events he goes to, he hardly shows up at the guild. I'm kind of starting to miss the guy."
"You, missing Gajeel?" Lucy asked, astonished.
"I can't believe those words would ev-," Lucy gasped suddenly. She quickly grabbed my hand and put it against her stomach.
"She's kicking again," Lucy said. "And hard, too." I felt her stomach, and indeed, she was kicking.
"Turn the music up," I said. "I think she likes it."
"I never thought little Nashi would like Gajeel's music," Lucy said as she turned the volume on the radio up. "Looks like he has a fan who hasn't even come out of the womb yet." I laughed and felt Lucy's stomach again.
"Oh, yeah. Somebody rang the doorbell. I think they left a letter or something. I've been having some minor contractions, so it's really hard to walk right now."
"Say no more. I've got you." I replied, walking to the front door. Indeed, a letter had been slipped in the mail slot and was on the floor. On the front of the envelope was the apartment address and our names, 'Mr. and Mrs. Dragneel.' I picked it up and opened the envelope. After opening up the card, I read aloud so Lucy could hear.
"Dear Natsu and Lucy," I read. "Congratulations on your new baby, which is due very soon! Time flies by fast, doesn't it? Soon you both will be an amazing father and mother. I'm so excited to see your parenting skills in action! I'm more than positive that you will both be amazing parents. Your baby is so lucky to be your child! I hope your baby behaves better than Shutora and Yaje. I haven't been able to sleep at night ever since they were born! They have definitely given me more grey hairs too! I wish the best to you both and I hope that you will come back to the guild soon. *and hopefully with a new member :-)*
Yours truly,
Levy Redfox."
I smiled and put the card on the coffee table.
"I miss Levy so much. I want to go back to the guild so much, but there is no possible way I can go in this state."
"Especially when your due in a couple of weeks," I replied. "It's too risky. But when we do get back to the guild, just think about how amazing that moment will be!"
At the time, my head was in the clouds. But in a few weeks, my head will be pulled out of the clouds. I will see reality. The cold, hard, truth. The not so happily ever after.

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