Is Daddy getting all protective?

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The afternoon slowly slipped into evening and Blake and Negan were currently reclining on the dark-haired Saviour's large four poster bed, as the tiny and 'not at all tired' Mia bounced around on the springy mattress near to their legs.

The three of them having eaten dinner over on Negan's leather couches, consisting of three large and delicious sandwiches, had, after an hour or so of Mia boring Negan with the need to show him every single animal she had learned the name of in her picture book, moved over to his enormous king sized bed. The caramel-blonde woman stripping out of her pants and lying there in just a black sweater, bra and panties.

Blake was sat up against the headboard with Negan lying with his head resting against her torso, one of his knees cocked up, eyeing Mia as she babbled away to him about nothing and everything all at the same time.

"An' wen I growd up I wil av' pwetty hair liak Bwake," she said bouncing up and down on her chubby legs, with one chubby hand resting on his knee. "A-An' av' bwoobies laik Bwakey!"

And with that, the teeny girl pointed towards the two mounds upon Blake's chest, resting just above Negan's head.

The dark-haired man gave a sudden chuckle, cocking an eyebrow at the toddler.

"Well if you are anythin' like Peaches here," Negan said in a bemused tone. "I guess I'm gonna have to start beating those boys away with Lucille, ain't I, Beansprout?"

With his words, Blake gave a smile, running her fingers over his temples and back through his dark hair.

"Is Daddy getting all protective?" she asked with a purr, which caused Negan to run his own hand now down the smooth skin of Blake's inner thigh.

"Well shit, I ain't exactly gonna stand by and watch some spotty fuckin' teenager ask her to prom for a chance to put his hand up her blouse now am I?" Negan commented in a loud voice, his eyes on Mia. "I'm gonna be lookin' out for my girls for as long as I'm alive and fuckin' kickin, Darlin'."

Blake's smile widened, as she stifled a small yawn. Both of them knowing of course the likelihood of any of them being alive in ten years' time was slim...but they could still dream...

"Eggy noht mai Daddy," said Mia suddenly, placing her other tiny fist to her mouth. "I don' av' Mommy an' Daddy. I jus' me."

But Blake felt her heart break at this. Feeling such sorrow for the tiny girl who had probably never known her parents, and had lost the other guardians in her life at such a young age.

And as much as Blake and Negan had been through, this little girl had never seen a time where there weren't walkers around, where she wasn't hiding in vents and running through woods in the rain, alone and scared.

It was a different world that Blake wished she could protect the tiny girl from...hold her tight and never let go of her again.

"You've got us, sweetie," Blake said in a kindly voice, desperately wanting to tell the small girl how much she would love to be her mommy. But the caramel-blonde woman knew that these things could not be rushed...

...that Mia would see them both as she wanted to see them...

Maybe they would forever just be 'Eggy' and 'Bwake' to her....

...or perhaps one day they would both mean a little more to her than that?

But either way, Blake knew that she loved the tiny girl with every fibre of her body.

But Mia, so easily distracted, had already moved onto the next subject.

"I schtay ere' for long time naw? Yea?" she asked in a quiet little voice. "Will I av' to go away 'gain?"

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now