Falling through the darkness

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The world was black.

Just darkness now.

And in that darkness, Blake could feel herself falling....

Down and down and down....until she could fall no more.

There was no light here, but the moans and snarls she could hear....of something moving in this shadowy realm.

And there she was...alone....but not alone.....gasping for breath...unable to grasp hold of anything around her....

Terror filling her veins...and anxious gasps leaving her throat.

This was not life. She was not safe here.

Her eyes searched in the gloom, finding herself suddenly surrounded by the dead.

She could feel them...smell them.....hear them....crawling out of every crevice...shuffling towards her...

...one in particular....tall...with blonde hair....and blue eyes....

But this one was not like the rest.

This one she knew...

...she loved...

She reached out a hand towards him....but the figure struck her hard across the face...sending her toppling backwards....hitting the ground behind her with a thud.

"Peaches?" came a far off voice, as Blake winced against it.

Her entire body felt broken...her head throbbing.....

She opened her lips.....letting out a breathless moan.....as she felt a rough hand at her cheek, fingers drifting down to her sore and painful throat....

Her eyes tried to flutter open....but she couldn't hold them....briefly seeing a face hovering over her...a familiar face that felt warm and comforting to her....

"Stay the fuck with me, Doll-face," came the voice again, low and grizzled, and close to her ear. "Don't you dare fucking close your eyes."

But Blake couldn't help it.....the world going dark and fuzzy yet again.

"Get in here, Doc," came the far off voice for the last time....as Blake frowned...

....slipping back into the dark, quiet realm once more.....

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now