The upgrade

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It took them less than five minutes to make it up to, what Blake presumed, was the second floor, and back to the long corridor where her cell was.

"Please..." she uttered, glancing at Dwight over her shoulder. "I can't be in that cell anymore."

But Dwight shot her back a grimace.

"Sweetheart, people have been in that cell a lot longer than you have," he said in a steely voice, as Blake peered back at him.

"Your face...." she said giving a gulp as he shoved her forwards. "What happened?"

But Dwight didn't answer, instead giving her another sharp shove forwards, his jaw tensed.

But Blake looked around.

They had passed her cell and were now headed in a different direction, down another hallway she hadn't been through yet.

She looked back at Dwight questioningly.

"Where are we going?" she said a little uneasily, her heart banging a drum beat.

But Dwight didn't answer her, instead staying eerily silent and giving her another small shove.

Soon, they rounded a corner, and were met with an identical hallway to the one in the basement, with doorways that lined the walls to the right.

But these seemed to be much more spaced out than the ones downstairs.

But she and Dwight weren't even three doors down the corridor, before the looming figure of Negan sudden stepped out from behind the fourth door, causing Blake to jump out of her skin in fright.

There he was, grinning from ear-to-ear fiendishly, with Lucille slung over his shoulder haphazardly.

Oh god, what was this....?

Was this it for her? Was there going to be some sort of bloodbath in swing from Lucille and that would be the end of everything she had ever known....?

Dwight manoeuvred her forwards, until she was just a foot away from Negan, and side-on to the open door on his right.

The dark-haired man pulled at his bottom lip with his teeth before showing his line of straight white teeth in a smile, and throwing out his hand.

"Surprise!" he said in a sing-song voice, far removed from the low growl she usually expected from him.

Blake turned a little apprehensively, but suddenly blinked, as she caught sight of what was inside the door...

Here was a large room, a lot larger than David's downstairs that was for certain...with a king size bed, a bookshelf, a closet, a compact table and chairs- big enough to fit at least four people around it, and a small flowery couch tucked neatly underneath a huge window.

It was that window, in fact, that intrigued her most, shining the most lovely amount of sunshine through into the room, causing it to sit in a sort of warm, inviting haze...

Blake looked up at Negan a little uncertainly.

Why was he showing her this?

But the tall dark-haired man merely placed a free hand to her lower back and leaned in towards her.

"For you, doll-face," he uttered in a low voice, causing Blake to shiver slightly.

She took a step into the room, giving the slightest of frowns and gazing around, before staring immediately back at Negan.

"What's is this?" she said in a quiet tone of disbelief, shaking her head and staring into his dark eyes.

He gave a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders and strolling easily past her, into the large room, as Dwight stood guard at the door.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now