The dress

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Blake paced around her bedroom, as the sky outside gradually darkened.

She still couldn't believe that Negan would have the gall to give her a dress and heels and expect her to go for dinner with him?

Just like that.

Blake gave another growl, shooting a look over towards the pretty summer dress and white strappy sandals Negan had provided as her outfit for tonight.

There was no way he was getting her in that dress.

Not a chance.

But as the hours seemed to tick by, with Blake's stomach grumbling uncomfortably, she had resigned herself to sitting back down on the bed, beside the items, shooting angry scowls at them at regular intervals.

She hated the dark-haired leader of the Saviours. She hated him.

How could one man possible manage to be so cocky? So confident that she would put on a little dress for him, like all his wives did. That, was not who she was.

Blake wrinkled her nose, folding her arms across her sulking chest huffily, as her stomach gave yet another hungry rumble.

Surely Dwight hadn't been serious about keeping her in here until she agreed?

Blake got to her feet, slowly padding across the room on bare feet and pulled open the door slowly, peering down the seemingly empty corridor.

It was empty.

She gave an inward sigh.

Dwight had obviously been kidding about keeping watch, she thought, as she slipped on out the door silently, making to head down in the direction of the canteen.

But before Blake could take even a single step into the gloomy hallway, the tall, skinny figure of Dwight suddenly appeared from her right, causing to Blake to almost jump out of her skin in fright.

"Jesus!" she yelled, suddenly clutching at her heart, and taking a small step backwards.

But Dwight didn't react to her moment of shock, merely looking her up and down blankly.

"I told you, I can't let you out of your room 'til you're wearing it," he said shaking his head, looking grim.

But this only caused Blake to scowl once again in his direction, folding her arms across her chest defensively.

"So...what? He's going to make me starve to death, to try and force me into a wearing dress for him?" she asked in an incredulous voice.

But Dwight just gave a sigh, looking seriously aback at her. "No, but if you don't do it, it won't just be you he'll punish, you realise that right?" he uttered frankly.

Blake scoffed.

Negan couldn't scare her.

"Oh yeah? Who's he gonna punish exactly?" she said in a disbelieving voice, shaking her head.

What exactly could Negan do?

With David gone, he had nothing on her now.

Dwight, shifted his weight from foot to foot for a moment, moving about the gun that was clutched between his hands.

"There's Eugene....the people you spoke to from the marketplace....the little girl..." he said in a low voice, listing them. "If you don't give him what he wants, he might not punish you for it, but he'll make the people around you pay. People you might care about."

For a moment Dwight looked a little distant, as if remembered from something like this happening from first-hand experience.

Blake paused, mouthing at the air for a long second, before pursing her lips tightly shut.

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now