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Blake gave a gulp as she stood beside her bed, staring down at the tiny Mia'-sized dress in her hands.

The toddler was currently sitting on top of Blake's mattress, playing with her own sock-covered feet and letting out small intermittent giggles that seemed to make Blake's heart swell and then crash painfully as she thought on her impending fate.

She didn't want to let her go. Not now. Not after everything. This had been their chance. Her chance at happiness, after months of hurt.

Blake folded the tiny pinafore dress and placed it neatly onto the pile of baby clothes besides her, letting a tear fall from her eyes as she did so.

This was how it had been all those years ago.....Blake folding up the clothes she had bought for the baby she had been expecting....placing them away never to be brought out again....

She was aching now. For so much loss in her life....and for the loss of dream that would now never become a reality.

Blake suddenly gave a loud uncontrollable sob before she could stop herself, before clutching hurriedly at her mouth as Mia peered up at her curiously.

The tiny girl tilted her head slightly.

"Wha 'rong wif Bwake?" she asked in a tiny voice, blinking her wide, blue eyes up toward the caramel-blonde woman.

But Blake hurriedly wiped at her wet cheeks, forcing a smile in Mia's direction.

"Nothing, sweetie," she said in a gentle voice, reaching down and lifting the little girl up into her arms.

Mia happily snuggled herself close to Blake, her tiny, sticky fingers toying with the collar of Blake's white t-shirt.

It was a lie. Of course it was, but Blake hugged the little girl closely, feeling her warmth...her soft mousy hair tickling her face.

She was the child that Blake never had, and she felt nothing but heartbroken right now.

But what choice did she have? They two people who had brought her up to be the sweet little thing she was, were sitting downstairs....probably heartbroken themselves right now, in no better position that Blake was.

And so, Blake gave another difficult gulp, and popped Mia gently down onto the floor.

"Right then," she said in a shaky sort of voice. "Shall we go for a walk?"

And with that Blake heaved up the pile of clothes in one hand, and held out her other, towards the little girl, feeling more tears slip silently down her cheeks.

But Mia, not understanding what was going on, just smiled, taking Blake's hand in his tiny paw and giving a happy smile.

"Yesh, I liak walkin' wif Bwake!" she squealed with delight, falling into step with the caramel blonde woman, as they headed out of the door...

.....Blake's heart aching with sadness as they went....

Negan dragged a hand down his face as he waited out in the hazy, sunny lot, beside the back of a large beaten-up truck.

He had been here for least five minutes, the sun's hot rays burning through the shoulders of his leather jacket, his fingers moving lightly across the smooth handle of the barbed-wire covered baseball-bat in his hand.

Negan's face was fixed, his dark eyes staring out blankly ahead, as Dwight, Arat, and a few of the other Saviours stood around them, guns all held aloft....just waiting...

And it wasn't long before the people they were waiting for finally appeared.

Negan, for a moment, felt his chest restrict slightly, as his chocolate eyes landed on the two figures padding slowly towards them...heads bowed low...talking to one another gently....

I think I liked you better when you didn't have a knife in your hand, PeachesWhere stories live. Discover now