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The wedding had been beautiful, Fleur and bill looked stunning and to say the least everyone who was there was having a great time.

"You are quite the dancer, Weasley." Cassiopeia teased Fred as they were dancing with everyone, he would twirl her to the speed of the music, and when the song had ended  they had gotten a round of applause from those who were watching, but something felt strange.

Cassiopeia began to feel a little sick, but instead of causing a scene she decided to congratulate Bill and Fleur.

"Congratulations!" Cassie grinned as she took Bill into a big hug, and she gave Fleur one too.

"Next will be you and Fred." Bill snickered at Fleur's comment, and Cassie awkwardly laughed, "Yeah, but we probably wouldn't do the whole dress up thing, but we're glad that you two are happy." They spoke a few more words before more people came to congratulate them. She saw Fred but he seemed to be busy, but she wasn't feeling well at all, she saw Ronald glaring some brooding man dancing with Hermione.

"Hey, um, Ron, could I borrow you for a second?" Cassie asked and he nodded, looking slightly worried.

"Everything alright?" Ron whispered to her as she grabbed his hand for some support but putting on a brave face, she smiled unconvincingly.

"Could you please walk me to the burrow? I'm not feeling quite well but I don't want to make it look obvious."

"Should I get Fred?"

"No, no, it's okay. He's having fun." Ronald didn't ask anymore questions, she leaned her head against his shoulder as he walked her back inside of the burrow, she thanked him as he went back to the party, but whatever she ate she couldn't keep it down.

She ran to the bathroom and in the middle of puking she heard screams and noises coming from the Wedding, but she felt so weak she couldn't move, it was like something inside of her was trying to get out and she couldn't do anything about it, it was horrible timing, she could hear the spells and loud noises, the sound of glass smashing, but her head was so unbalanced that she couldn't place the sound to the noise.

"Cassie?!" She heard Ginny running in the burrow, with her wand out Ginny heard someone vomiting in the bathroom, running off she found Cassiopeia looking completely out of sorts.

"Hey! Hey, it's okay, listen to me, alright, we've got to get you out of here incase the death eaters think Harry's hiding in here. Fred and George have been fighting but they're okay but you aren't." Ginny with all her might, tried to get Cassiopeia off the ground, holding one of her arms and supporting Cassie as she stood up.

"I don't feel so good." Cassiopeia whispered, "I didn't want to make a scene."

"Don't worry about that, the death eaters did a pretty good job."  That evening was a complete blur, the last thing Cassiopeia remembered was Ginny trying to carry her to somewhere safe, but as she fell into darkness a welcoming figure stood before her, and it was like all of her pain had left.

"Sirius?" Cassiopeia's voice had cracked as she ran up to hug him. His familiar scent caused Cassie to relax.

"Hey little Tonks, long time, huh?" He looked different, almost happy but something was different about him.

"Where are we Patsy?" She asked looking around to what it seem like a big old house with charming white stair cases.

"We're at the Potters house, not James and Lily's but this is where I grew up when we weren't at Hogwarts. I've got some people I want you to meet." She walked with him into the big living room where eight people sat, she didn't need to be introduced to most of them to know who they were.

"Hi,  honey." The first woman spoke, standing up and giving Cassiopeia a big hug, "give that to Molly when you see her next, tell her it's from me, to say thank you." She knew this was Lily, if it wasn't for her red hair it was her green eyes that matched Harry's.

"Not to be insensitive, really, but what am I doing here? Am I dead?" She asked, she knew she hadn't been feeling well but she didn't think it was anything serious.

"That's up to you, you see." James began, "You have something that not many other people have, when Voldemort used the killing curse on you, you managed to survive, which had only been done by Harry. It's not impossible, but you didn't live through the fame that Harry did, he was the boy who lived. You had been through Similar things, but one thing that affected you more than Harry was the blood quill, it changed your system. Now, your body decided it's truth." James told her and she looked around her, she could see Marlene McKinnon, Mad-eye moody, Dorcas Meadows, James and Lily Potter, Sirius, Regulus and Dumbledore.

"I still don't understand."

"The muggle part of you has died, it couldn't live up to the magical blood. The dark arts have always said that having purity shows strength, most are pure by their heritage, some are gifted, and some are simply chosen." Dumbledore continued, "when death takes part, as the Purity had chosen you, you can now choose if that's the life you want to live." He paused for a moment and she sensed that wasn't all in store for her,

"Just tell her Dumbledore." Moody snarled which caused Cassie to erupt a smile, she had missed his obnoxious negativity.

"But, in doing so you learn the consequences of the loved ones dying on your part."

"It means you have control of giving our deaths some sort of justice, all of us were killed by the same people, and because we never finished our purpose, our goals."

"What if I don't want to do that?" Cassiopeia asked them, as she sat down next to Sirius.

"Then you can stay here, with us and wait." Marlene answered, as she looked to Dorcas who was probably waiting for Remus

"So what do I have to do?" She asked as the lingering feeling of hope surrounded them for the first time in so long.

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