Twenty One

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   The Battle of Hogwarts  

Cassie and Fred had left their newborns with Andromeda, Adora and George were fast asleep when they left, Cassie felt strange leaving them all too soon but she knew they had a bigger thing to focus on.

"Are you okay?" Fred asked and kissed her on the forehead.

"Leaving them seems wrong..." She whispered.

"I know, I know. We'll be here tomorrow, and we'll have a whole lifetime with them." Cassie nodded, knowing he was right. They had apperated just outside Hogwarts because Cassie wouldn't want to throw up anymore when she threw up with the twins.

"Professor Lupin?" Cassie asked as she saw him walking in with his wand, The whole order was arriving and she gave him a hug.

"For the last time, you can call me Remus." She frowned.

"So, Remus, do you remember that little talk we had when you started dating my sister? Something about a werewolf barbeque?" Remus wasn't sure if she was joking or not and awkwardly scratched the back of his head.

"We're back together." He told her and she put her wand away with a cocky smile.

"Professor Potter!" Cassie shouted, hugging the young man infront of her. He looked like shit but then again, didn't they all?

"Cassie, Fred, I thought you'd be sitting this one out." Fred and Cassie smirked as the Weasley clan arrived.

"Please Potter, you can't have all the fun." Ron gave her a hug as they all reunited with each other. George and Fred hugged each other for the first time since Csssie gave birth.

"Is everyone ready?" Kingsley asked

Harry had gone off into the castle by himself while Cassie and the order prepared to enter together. Night fall was already upon them and Cassie was ready.

Cassie had not stepped in Hogwarts for what seemed like a lifetime, she remembered the halls as if it were her home. She had good and bad memories here, all the bad memories consisted of Professor Umbridge of course and all the good ones of Fred and George. Shed noticed the unkept paint on tha castle walls and how gray everything seemed to be. Cassie took a deep breath when she looked at the scars on her hand from the blood quill. Her hand Harry had matching ones.

Then it all clicked.

Sirius told her Harry and her had a connection, one that no one else could have, because it was only her and Harry in that office the night in umbridge's office. When the blood quill replaced the muggle blood in her veins, it didnt just replace it, it killed it. Which is why when Tom killed her that night while she was saving Rosalie, her hair stopped changing colours because that part of her died with the killing curse.

It was a curse. It doesn't necessarily mean death, not unless every part of that person and or thing had nothing left.

If Harry did kill Voldemort tonight he would be killing Voldemort, not Tom himself. That's why Harry needed to destroy the horcruxes, which meant if Voldemort had horcruxes... Tom had some too. That's why he always came back year after year.

"Oh, for fuck sake..." Cassie whispered. That's why he wanted Rosalie, no one knew they were twins. That's why he kept her close.

None can live while the other survives.

"What?" Fred asked her scanning her face to try and figure out what was going through her mind.

"Tom and you know who chose to do the same thing, As much as he is ,you know who, he also once was Tom. The more Harry tries to kill you know who, the stronger Tom gets."

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