Gwen threw a handful of popcorn at Axel, who growled and reached for the bowl, as Gwen giggled and tried to yank it out of his reach.

I rolled my eyes and decided not to get involved. Those two are so immature.

To occupy the time, I decided to throw knives into the high training ceiling. I got about 7 stuck in the roof when suddenly a disappointed sigh that I recognized all too well filled my ears.

"Really Ares? Have you grown tired of beating my pack members and have now decided to inflict violence on my property?" Cain was suddenly behind me, and had his arms wrapped around my waist.

Umm, would you believe me if I said that the ceiling was looking at me funny? I tried defending myself.

Cain chuckled lowly in my ear; a rare sound. "No, pup, I wouldn't believe that. I would, however, believe that you just got bored and decided to throw knives at something. How many times have I found knives in places they shouldn't be?" His tone was scolding.

You should be thankful, Cain. I could be throwing them at you. I consider this huge personal growth, I rationalize, even though I know he wasn't really mad. These days, there wasn't anything I could do wrong in his eyes. He had become extremely protective and desperate to do anything to make me happy.

"Whatever you say, pup. I seem to recall you not being able to get many knives to actually pierce me, but maybe my memory is fading," Cain turned me around in his arms and winked at me.

I shrugged. You are getting old, Cain. Isn't memory loss a part of becoming elderly?

He playfully growled at me, and used his canines to snap gently at his mark on my neck. While his head was near mine, I took the opportunity to initiate a fight. I leaned my head in the opposite direction of his, so he would think I was giving him better access, when in reality, I used the distance to snap back my head at his, head butting his head so hard I could feel my skull vibrate. Sick.

"One romantic moment with my mate. That's all I've ever asked for," Cain groaned as he pulled away and rubbed head where I smacked into it.

C'mon, babe let's spar. Axel is being a pussy and harassing Gwen, and I have a lot of unresolved anger to get out, I begged, and even drew a knife so he knew I meant business.

"As much as I would love to properly teach you a lesson, you little minx, I actually came to get you because we have some issues to discuss regarding Red Crescent."

My ears perked up at the mention of my old pack. Since Wilson was MIA, Red Crescent was technically without an Alpha. Cain and I stepped in to take control of the pack until Thane can find Wilson, and worked with Sebastian, Wilson's son/ my half-brother, to manage the pack.

Okay, fine. We can go do boring pack stuff instead of fighting. That's totally not lame or anything, I said, just to be bratty.

"Oh, mate. We can work out your aggression later. Business first. And put the knife down, would you?" Cain turned around, waiting for me to follow him back to his office. "And when I say put it down, I mean on the ground. Not in my ceiling."


Once Cain and I returned to his office, he sat in his armchair with a serious look on his face. "As you know, Sebastian has had a hard time quelling rebellions that have arisen due to Wilson's absence. The pack is starting to get anxious without a formal Alpha, and until Wilson is killed, he is technically still the Alpha."

Yes, I'm aware, Cain. I've talked to Seb about the rebels. I told him to kill them and use their bodies to set an example, I told him dismissively.

"The thing is, Ares, it's more complicated than that. Sebastian can't kill his own pack members for disobeying him when he technically isn't the Alpha. I have a feeling that Red Crescent members would not respond well to it, and I fear it would make the rebellion worse," Cain responded, rubbing his beard pensively.

Okay, so what do you suggest? I leaned forward in the chair opposite him.

"I suggest that you and I take a trip to Red Crescent tomorrow and instill fear in the pack members, and hopefully curb any thoughts of rebellion. We can take Axel and a few other warriors just in case, but from what Sebastian says, it seems like the Red Crescent pack members fear you badly enough to not try anything? What's that about?" He questioned. He didn't fully know all about my past while I was in Red Crescent.

I thought back on all of the times that I had beheaded people or otherwise disfigured and mutilated them in front of the entire pack as punishment or during a duel.

Who knows? Could be anything, really. I responded to Cain after the long pause.

Cain stared into my eyes, trying to figure out what I was thinking. After a moment, he spoke. "I see. Whatever the reason, we will both go to Red Crescent tomorrow."

I smiled. For some reason, I had the feeling this trip would mean I would get to kill someone. I'm back, baby.




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