Chapter 6 : Father

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I began to hide, hide my arm, hide my face. For days on end, I would stay at home, with Alaska as my only company. It was, I suppose, easier that going out and being the centre of attention, though quite isolating. I soon realised that there was a television in my house, but I didn't quite know how to work it. Today, I decided I would learn.

Me and Alaska lay on the sofa, and after pressing several buttons aimlessly, it turned on. It was on the news. I heard one of the presenters talking, and decided to listen in.
"A team of explorers, including famous adventurer, Magnus Jonsson, have come across new territory in the North, which is to be named the 'North Pole'. Magnus began exploring after his daughter, Everest, was involved in a terrible skiing accident"

This... This man... my...


How... How could he leave me for dead. How could he, of my own blood, leave me while so many complete strangers cared for me, looked after me, saved me.
How dare he leave me with no family.
Now I had a parent, some kind of family at least, but I could not forgive him that easily. No way could I call this man a "father", let alone mine.

"He kick started his expedition with studies on the newfound 'aurora', beautiful displays of colour in the sky. Now let's head to our reporter in the North Pole to see what the man himself has to say"

The audio and visuals were crackly and low quality, but i kept watching, half hating this "Magnus", but partially I guess, liking him at the same time. Indeed, how could I hate anyone who looked, and seemed so like me.

He looked like a classic adventurer, long brown hair, determined expression, all the norm. Just one exception. His eyes, they gleamed like mine, with a hunger for more excitement. I knew he was enjoying this trip of his, but why? Why did he leave me when I needed him most?
I knew, whether I disliked him or not, I must go after him, find him. I was completely split in emotion, my mind in two. And there was only one person who could fix that. My...


I decided, soon after, that I would do the impossible. If Alaska can, why can't I, I thought. I knew, it would be a long, hard journey but I was tired of people thinking I was completely and utterly disadvantaged because of my arm. If my dad could do it, why not me? Why not indeed. I would find him, I would prove my strength of character and willpower. I would travel to the North Pole.

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