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Here are the Humor winners for The Creativity Awards 2019!

A big thank you to both AllyTEM and ZitinChopra for judging this genre! We greatly appreciate the time and effort you both put into judging this genre!

Another big thank you to everyone that entered into Humor! Every single one of your entries are amazing!

If you would like your scorecard and the short review that your judge has sent, just PM me and I will send that over to you immediately.

Also, if you are one of the winners, please let me know if you are okay with me putting your winning entry (Book cover and blurb) on our community Instagram as it is one of the prizes. (creativity_community)


•H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n•

Author: Feferue

Book: Playing It Right

Score: 107/132

Review: Loved the book! It was interesting until I found out that the grammar was a bit off. Well more. I ALWAYS look for grammar and I wished the author would've gone back to fix mistakes tbh. But, overall. Good book! I recommend this book!

R u n n e r U p•

Author: dikshikadweepanita

Book: Masked

Score: 126/135

Review: Your story had some really good humor punches and was a really amusing read. I loved the way you left stuff in suspense. There were some parts where I felt the grammar went wrong and where the descriptive language went off track. You might want to proofread it in that case. Otherwise, good job!

•R u n n e r  P l a c e•

Author: rfnasua

Book: Lady Reaper Reianne

Score: 129/135

Review: This was the first book I judged and I just couldn't stop going through it! I loved the way you put in your one-liners here and there and your grammar (you made me open up my dictionary every now and then). However, when I first read the summary, I didn't get intrigued after reading the first paragraph. The second paragraphs still sounded more fun! The title somehow doesn't portray the amazingness of your book. You might want to take care of that. But it was a good read! Keep up the good work!

•T h i r d  P l a c e•

Author: Lotycanwrite

Book: How To Die Laughing


Review: REALLY GREAT BOOK! I don't have that much interest because it was horror and I'm a baby and don't like horror :(. But to be fair this writer has potential! The character development was a bit out of place but, really good! Good book for people who like horror and humor

•S e c o n d  P l a c e

Author: Claradivangelo

Book: Cracking The Bad Boy Code

Score: 133/135

Review: That was an amazing book! Really enjoyed reading it. I honestly don't know what the down points were... well, the only thing is that you might want to proofread it for spelling errors and check out the blurb. However, it was just freakishly a-ma-zing! Good job!

F i r s t  P l a c e•

Author: -asperities-

Book: Ryder Cole And The None Cliches

Score: 135/135

Review: Really good! Interested! Not much tbh. I'm not a BIG fan of cliches to be fair. Good book and has REALLY good characters! Good book!

Congratulations everyone!

If you would like your sticker, PM me and I will send that over immediately.

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