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~annie pov

I'm in the studio with Draco. We recorded don't check on me already and now it's getting edited and it'll be up Wednesday. So right now we're working on new music. Last night i apologized to jayden for what I said even though I dead ass didn't know what she wanted me to do about it. But just to make her happy I apologized. That's what good girlfriend's do. So now we're on good terms. After this studio session I'm going to hangout with lilia and Anna and we're going to see Asher and will too so later should be fun. But right now we have music so let's get this going🤪.

~Jayden pov

I'm in the gym sitting on the bench still icing my ankle. I can walk on it better today. I'm in volleyball uniform I'm just not playing right now. I've had this ice bag on my ankle for a while now at least 30 minutes into practice. I removed the ice bag and started unwrapping my ankle. I saw that the bruising on it looks like it's fading away. I decided to stand up on it. It doesn't hurt. I started walking on it. Okay just a little pain. I should be fine to play tonight. If I just lie to them and tell them that it doesn't hurt they'll let me play! That's a great idea.

"Jayden what are you doing on your feet? Sit down" kianna said

"guys I'm totally fine I can play now" I said

"no pain at all when you walk?" Sophia asked me

"nope it's totally fine now" I said

"great now you can play tonight" Devenity said with a slight smile

"yah" I said then smiled slightly. Kianna passed me the ball and I caught it.

"let's start practice now champ" kianna said. I went onto the court and we started practicing.


Okay I have admit that practice this morning was really good. I didn't feel any pain at all once I started practicing again. It was crazy. I'm at the trainers office. Maya's office. She's helping me with my ankle. Just prepping me for the game tonight and we're talking too. She was basically telling me to eat healthy and drink a lot of water and to be easy on my ankle til the game. She even gave me an ice pack and a bottle of orange juice. Welp doctors orders.

Volleyball Game 🏐

I'm on the court getting ready for the game while everyone who's watching us tonight comes in and finds a seat. I'm playing with the volleyball with deven. I noticed this girl from the other team was looking at me and smiling. I don't make friends with the other team but she could be a fan of me and annie. I don't know. I smiled back then looked away.

"Devenity and Jayden come" coach said. We went over to her and the rest of the team. We discussed a game plan then soon the buzzer went off for the game to start. We got on the court and started the game. We're doing 8 rounds after that the game is over.

Round 5 - 45 minutes later

I'm playing pretty well and we've got 13 point this round so far and the other team has 11 points. I saw the ball coming my way but I couldn't reach it so i ran to it and on the way over to the ball I slipped and twisted my swollen ankle and I SWEAR that was the worse feeling ever😩. I started crying immediately. I heard my ankle in pain and they called a time out and my team ran over to me and so did coach. I felt overwhelmed😩. I feel like I broke my ankle at this point.

"guys back away from her she needs air" coach said. They backed up. Coach helped me up. But I could stand so dev and kianna put my arms around their shoulders and they helped me off the court. They set me in chair and I was still crying because it hurt so badly.

"Jayden are you okay?" Coach asked me

"no it hurts so badly😭" I said while tears came out my eyes and down my cheeks.

"I'll call your mom to pick you up" Coach said. I nodded.

"Jayden I thought you said your ankle was okay" kianna said

"you fucking lied to us" deven said

"i was fine earlier guys this isn't the time to yell at me😭" I said while crying

"next time we're not trusting you when you get hurt" kianna said

"Kianna take Jayden's spot" coach told her while she was trying to get a hold of my mom

"I can't do it coach" kianna said

"yes you can kianna😭" I said while crying

"yes you really can kianna" dev said

"do it for me😭" I said while crying. She looked into my eyes and looked sad for me.

"I'll do it for you jayden" kianna said. She looked at dev then they ran onto the court. I saw maya running over to me with an ice pack. She sat in the chair next to me.

"i thought i told you not to do this" maya said

"i really am stupid for doing this" I said while wiping my tears. The game started again. Maya put the ice pack on my ankle and i inhaled sharply and groaned.

"does it hurt?" She asked me

"yes very much😩" I whined

"it's the only way to make it stop jayden" maya said. I let her ice it until my mom showed up. Maya helped me walk out to my moms car. Once she did I got in and my mom took me home. She ran me warm bath and after ordered me food then she did a treatment on my ankle until we can go to the hospital tomorrow after school. She wrapped it then we watched a tv series in my room. I got on my phone and saw how the fandom was concerned for my ankle because it was posted everywhere of me hurting myself on the court and I even posted a picture of it after I hurt it again. They were scared for me and annie especially she said she was going to spoil me as soon as she gets back on Thursday. She said she'll take care of me and she's been texting me and sending me cute videos of herself making me smile. She's adorable😩🥺. I even reposted one of the videos she sent me and captioned it 'she said she was trying to make me smile and she succeeded🥺' I posted it to my Instagram. She even FaceTimed me while me and my mom were watching tv. It was really nice because we all get along. So me and annie fell asleep on the phone. I'm sure my mom left once I fell asleep.

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