"Just tell me," I growled.

The woman exhaled in exasperation. "You're not funny Neron stop messing with her!"

Neron broke out into laughter. "She's so serious and angry though, it's hilarious."

I looked at them dumbfounded.

"Relax," Neron said kindly.  "I'm just having a little fun with you," he laughed with a wink.  "It's not everyday you meet an ancient one. But where are my manners? I'm Neron and this is the lovely Trish."

The woman smiled and waved politely, seemingly much different than the fierce warrior I had witnessed earlier.

"Xan," I pressed again, uninterested in idle chitchat. "Will he be alright?"

"Relax, kid," Neron breathed dully. "He's fine. Takes more than that to take down a government Torian."

I crinkled my nose in confusion.

"Neron that doesn't mean anything to her," Trish interjected with an eye roll. She brought her attention to me.

"Xan is... different," she sighed. "Torians can manipulate electrical pulses, but Xan works for the Torian empire. They've been...enhanced... differently.  He is much stronger than your every day Torian."

I looked back at him. He still hadn't moved at all.  Could I believe anything they were saying?

"What happened to him?" I asked.

"He expelled too much of his own energy," Neron chimed in, an edge to his tone.

"He shouldn't have pushed himself that hard, but that guy was strong," he added.  "He overdid it."

My face must have revealed the panic inside of me.  Trish placed her hand on my shoulder.

"He will be fine.  He just needs to rest." I nodded just as my stomach let out a loud growl. It was then that I realized I hadn't eaten anything since before I could literally remember, back when Earth existed still.

Trish laughed and directed me towards the door.

"Why don't we get something to eat,"
She suggested as she escorted me out of the room and I glanced back at an unconscious Xan one last time.

Outside of the resting area there was a long hallway that seemed to have other rooms branching off of it. This ship was more than 5 times the size of Xan's and seemed like it was. made to be more of a home.

I followed Trish down the hallway to a room on the right. Inside, the room was dark, but it only emphasized the gorgeous view of the galaxy outside the wall of windows. Across from the windows was an ivory countertop with matching cabinets. The refrigerator followed the same theme with different white appliances along the counter as well. Everything was backlit by a gentle blue light.

"Take a seat!" Trish recommended pleasantly, motioning towards the white bar in the center of the room with a top that glowed with the blue light as well. It was surrounded by several white swivel bar stools and I sat down in one.

I looked on uncomfortably as she went into the fridge and pressed a button. The fridge unfolded itself and revealed three different levels of packaged food. She rifled around through the shelves while I watched.

It felt strange being here and not having Xan as a buffer. These beings seemed to know about me, but Xan had been so careful about trying to conceal things about me. Was it okay that they knew?

She came back with a platinum plate that contained what looked like a chocolate protein bar, freeze-dried vegetables, and some kind of pudding. She placed it down on the bar in front of me and gave me a fork and spoon with an expectant and excited smile, urging me to eat.

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