Chapter 3: Broken Glass and Broken Bonds

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*This chapter is from Ethan's POV. Ethan is Evie's twin brother.*


Ethan's POV

"See ya Monday man!" I yelled across the field to my team mate, Brandon, just as my phone started to vibrate in my hand. I flip it over, the screen read, Corbin. What the hell does he want? I reluctantly press accept and pull it my ear with a groan. "What the fuck do you want?" I hop in my car and start the engine. Corbin shakily sighs through the line as it connects to the handy blue tooth. I silver of worry strikes me. "Yo man whats up?" He clears his throat.

"You headed home?" He asks. "Yeah I'm about to pull away whats up?" Once more he sighs. "Dad needs everyone home right away." Confused I ask, "What do you mean dude I have plans-wait are you home?" Corbin hasn't been home in 3 months. He attends every meeting and press conference now and is barely home. If he is home something must be really wrong. "Ethan, Dad needs you home and fast." and with that he hung up. He is still an asshole.

I don't think I have ever gotten home that fast. When I got home everyone's car was in the drive way and more security stood outside the gate than usual. "Shit." I spit under my breath and jogged inside leaving my stuff in the car. Upon opening the door followed voices into the main living room. The whole house including my brothers stood around the flat screen on the wall. They didn't even hear me coming in what the hell is going on.

The T.V. pulls my attention at my father's name. My chest starts moving up and down way too fast. BREAKING NEWS: popped up at the bottom of news broadcast. A lady with a monotone voice spoke to the screen. "It has just been confirmed that Robert Ashry's ex-wife, Celina Ashry has been killed in a crash car crash last night. We do know that her daughter, Evie Ashry was in the car with her but, her condition has not been confirmed." My breathing stops and tears brim my eyes. I turn away from the T.V. and rest my head against the threshold, my arms folded above my head. Panic consumed the room. "Here is the local news clip given to us by Fox News, Channel 9." I look up to the T.V. and run my hands through my mess of hair.

Glass was everywhere, every single window of her car broken. From just behind the reporters, you can see a body covered by a sheet, my mother. Josefina lets out a small sob and locks eyes with my horror. "Oh Ethan!" she cries and comes to me trying the shield me from the T.V. "Don't look, don't look." I push her out of my way and fully enter the living room, making my presence known. "First respondents have just pulled out a 15-year-old girl from the crashed vehicle, they have confirmed that she is unresponsive." Oh shit. Everyone falls silent and I can feel the air leave my lungs.

It felt like hours waiting for the news to cut back to the broadcaster. They just kept playing clips after clip, I felt like if I heard the name "Ashry" again I was going to hurt someone. The monotone voiced girl cuts back and begins say something when she puts her hand to her earpiece. Everyone is still, holding their breaths. "I have just received information that, Evie Ashry, Robert Ashry's daughter," my dad looks down and takes in a hissing breath. " Is now in stable condition and projected to make a full recovery," Air fills my lungs again but, I stay frozen as people jump into action around me. She starts again. "She is staying at her aunt's residence according to a person close to family."

"Get her here, Mackenzie!" I turn to my father finally letting my tears fall as he screams to his assistant. "Now!" she scrambles onto her phone. Dad looks at me letting out a sound and covering his mouth and closing his eyes. Before anyone else can see me cry I run to my room, almost tripping into my stepmother's priceless vase. I wonder where she is right now, Bali, I think.

I don't know what to do with myself. The two people I have ever truly cared about, the two people I haven't spoken too since I was 5 weren't safe or okay. My mother was dead and even worse my other half, my broken bond didn't have me by her side. I grab my head phones and head out of my balcony. Carefully I walk up the shingles on the side and make it to the only place I think I could calm myself down, my little secret spot.

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