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Anthony's POV (one year later)
I sat with my legs dangling carelessly over the strong wooden branch, leaves tickling my face. I sighed as I got situated. After I got comfortable on my branch, I reached into my pocket and pulled out a letter with an unopened envelope. It was aged with a thin layer of dust coating the seal. My eyes stung, these were Max's last words... the last thing he would ever be able to say. He had mailed it to my house before he took his life, so that I would no doubt find it. Now, on the one year anniversary of his death, I would finally open it. I put my finger under the sealed tab and carefully opened the envelope. I pulled out a piece of paper inside, and opened it slowly. scared at what I'll find. I started to read the loving words printed on the paper, when the tears started to flow steadily.

Dear Anthony,
If you received this, then I'm already gone, but you probably already know that. I just wanted to tell you that I love you, so, so, much, but you probably already know that too. I just want to tell you to never dwell in the past, live in the now, and embrace your future, and never, ever, forget. I'll miss you, I'll be waiting for you up in heaven, my love...

With more love I can describe, Max

I looked up from the letter, tears blurring my eyes. a soft gust of wind came swirling around me, ruffling my hair, and I swear I could hear a voice whisper into my ear saying "I love you, forever and always"

Forever and Always... (A ChilledMexican fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now