Chapter 6

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Hey guys! so as promised here's chapter 6! Enjoy!

Sry this is kinda short, but I wanted to get a real update out...

Max's POV


I sat down on my couch, still dazed at the hug me and Anthony shared. It felt so... so right, an it was starting to make my heart throb. It hurt so bad... to love someone that will never like you back. wait.... love? since when did I decide my feelings for him was... love? I sighed, I might as well make it easier for myself and accept my emotions towards him. I was in love with the almighty Chilled Chaos... my best friend, and if he ever found out, he would leave me. I knew it deep in my heart he didn't and wouldn't feel the same as me. I needed a place to drown my thoughts, but, where? I do have a lot of fangirls... and I know what my and Anthony's ship name is ChilledMexican... they probably write fanfictions... I thought coming to a conclusion. I grabbed my laptop off my desk and brought up google. I typed in 'ChilledMexican' in the search box and took a deep breath, pressing the small magnifying glass by the search box. I gasped at all the links to different fanfics.... all involving me and chilled. There were one-shots, long stories, strictly smut based ones, all on a site named 'Wattpad'. 'what the hell is Wattpad?' I wondered to myself, I've never heard of it. I clicked cautiously on the website name, prepared for the worst, but come to a pleasant surprise of a friendly home page. There were many books, some obviously romance, others adventure, or fantasy. I clicked on the orange search box and typed in 'ChilledMexican'. Dozens of books came up on my screen and I cocked my head, staring curiously at the list of fanfics. I clicked on the first one, and started to read, my eyes burning through every word, immediately hooked on the story...

I set down my laptop, having finished reading two books and a few oneshots, I was done reading fanfics, for now. I turned to fanfictions to drown my pain, but came back hurting 10 times worse... I didn't want fake love only real in the words of fangirls, I wanted the real thing! I wanted to run my fingers through his whispy black hair, to feel his smooth lips pressed against mine. I want to stare into his deep, chocolate eyes and see a glimmer of always-present mischief dance across his gaze. I want to hold him close to me, an feel his warm breath hit my face... I wore a goofy grin on my face as I daydreamed about Anthony. I shook my head, regaining my senses. 'Get ahold of yourself man! why are you acting like this? you never have before with anybody else! what makes him so special?' I yelled at myself. I ha never felt this way for anyone else, yet alone someone who I've just accepted my love for... what is wrong with me?

(Two weeks later)

"Get out of my way Max!" My Italian friend yells at me. We were having a special live stream at my house, where Anthony and I were playing whatever with our fans, mostly gmod stuff, prop hunt, death run, hide and seek ect. I was standing in front of him, blocking his way in hide and seek, and he was getting pissed. I laughed and took my hand off my mouse, sitting back in my chair, crossing my arms. "I'm having a great time, how about you Chilly?" I asked in a voice that I would usually use if I was talking to a puppy. "no I'm not having a fucking good time! MOVE MAX pleeeeaaasssee! I'm gonna get turned into satin!" he yelled. It just made me laugh harder, so hard that I could barely breathe. I saw in the corner of the door a flash of red. I froze and stared. The seeker saw us and came into the house, (it was a fan) an I turned tail and ran, he must have not seen the red person until too late, because all I heard was chilled freaking out, and then a disappointed 'awww' "I'm coming for your soul, ya dumb fuck!" I heard him yell as a message appeared on my screen 'one hider left!' and a blue light trail started following me. The timer had only 30 seconds left so I quickly found an ok spot and prayed to god that I wouldn't be found.

3-2-1-0 the timer counted down. balloons and confetti surrounded me. "yaaaay!!" I cheered as I heard quiet cursing from Chilled. I giggled and turned to the facecam. "Ok guys, well were gonna end the stream here! thanks for coming out and I hope to see you guys on the next stream! thank you and buy!" I told my fans before switching off my cameras. Chilled did the same. "well we better not let that whole hour of footage go to waste... could you grab me my laptop off the counter in my kitchen and start up my editing program please? I have to finish turning everything off" I asked him politely. "sure, I'll grab us a soda each while I'm in there too" he responded. I answered with a "cool" and got back to putting the stream equipment away.

Anthony's POV (you can guess what's gonna happen can't you?)

I walked into Max's kitchen and immediately spotted his laptop. I grabbed it and opened it, pressing the on button. The screen came to life and I realized it had only been asleep. I moved the mouse around the screen, starting to boot up his editing software, when I saw there was a tab minimized. I ignored it at first, figuring it was nothing, but the name of the website started to make me curious. 'Wattpad' it read. where have I heard that before? I couldn't remember and I should probably leave it alone. I quickly got anxious about what the website could be and decided to click on the tab. what's the worst it could be? porn? I mean the guy did just break up with his grilfriend, so I wouldn't blame him if that's what he was looking at, but none of my suggestions were even close to as bad at what this was. It was smut, and as I realized that wasn't the worst part. It was who the smut was on. I skimmed over it, two names stood out of it all... the names were Max, and-and Anthony... I gasped in shock. He was reading smut about us...


Well yeah, that happened and I'm proud of it... and also guys, I have the perfect next book... it's gonna be an ImmortalFox fanfic. so you guys who don't watch the creatures, sorry guys but I'm really hyped about this ship and I don't think I'm gonna change it.... so anyway, baaiii!!!

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