Chapter 9

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So here it is... the sad ending... you guys didn't answer the question right so you get the sad ending... I'm sorry in advance...
Anthony's POV (3 days later)

Warm sunlight streamed through my car windshield and it made me smile softly. I was going back to Max... a warm feeling spread throughout my chest. in the last few days of thinking I had discovered buried feelings deep inside me. That warm feeling was love... and I just didn't want to accept it. I loved Max Gonzalez, and I was going to prove it to him. I looked over at the small red box sitting on the seat next to me. It was wrapped to the best of my ability, and I really hoped he liked it. I pulled into his driveway and stepped out of my car into the warm air. I skipped happily up to his door present in hand. I pressed the doorbell and heard it faintly echo around the house on the other side of the door. I waited a minute, then pressed it again. A small feeling of dread crept into my gut. Something wasn't right. I looked back at the driveway. His car was here, just as I thought. Where is he? panic laced my words as I banged on his door. "MAX! MAX? ARE YOU THERE?!" I yelled at the top if my lungs. I grabbed the door nob and turned. It was locked. Think Anthony, think! how do I get in? I thought to myself frantically searching for a way in. Maybe he has a spare key! I thought suddenly. I desperately flipped over stones and rocks looking for a spare. I picked up a small grey rock, it was light and made of some kind of plastic 'aha!' I shook it and it rattled as if something was inside. I turned it over in my hand and found a small white plug, I pulled it out an shook it in the direction of my hand, a small metal key fell into my hand and I smiled quickly in triumph. I ran back to the door and inserted the key, turning it quickly and opening the door. I slowly opened it, while peeking around the edge. "Maaax! are you here Max!" I called out. My cry echoed around the house. it was unnaturally dark in the house, so I tread lightly around the corner into the kitchen. No Max. I sighed, where is that man? I walked over to his bedroom. Maybe he was just asleep, I thought hopefully. I opened his bedroom door and slowly creaked it open. I peeked my head through the gap of the half open door and immediately flung it open when I caught a glimpse inside. There inside the desolate house, was Max, slumped over, his back pressed against the back of his bed. Dried blood caked his hair, an it was splattered all over the floor. Clutched within his deathly still and white grip was a metal object. A gun. Oh my god! "No... NO! MAX!" I screamed running over to him. I kneeled next to him and gripped his shoulders, slightly shaking him. "MAX! MAX, WAKE UP MAX, PLEASE! please Max, it wasn't supposed to be like this, god dammit!" My words were choked up with the sobs and tears running down my face. "please Max, please" I wrapped my arms around his lifeless body, around the un-beating heart inside him, laying uselessly in his cold, lifeless chest. "Why did you have to go? why did you have to do this?" I buried my face in his ghastly neck, longing to breath in his scent, but instead got the unpleasant tang of blood. "Max... Max, I-I love you! I love you so much Max, it's all my fault! all my fault! all my fault..." sobs racked my words as I sat there, holding onto the man who was always there, always fighting, always... always... Max...

I watched as the paramedics rolled the body bag placed on a gurdy to the white ambulance. Tears stained my face, my eyes puffy ad red from crying for so long. God... I just wanted him back, if I could I would give my own life for him... I realized that my hand was clutching onto the small red box I had brought for him, I had hoped he loved it, I had hoped he would cherish it, and always keep it with him... I tore open the red wrapping paper and opened the box, tears welling up in my eyes as I looked at the small piece of metal glinting in the sunlight. It was a promise ring, I was going to reprise him with it, but instead found this gruesome sight... I picked the ring up, slowly turning it around in my hands and stared at the inscription etched carefully into the ring. 'yours always' it read, I grasped it firmly with my hand, not wanting to let it go...

I'm sorry guys... I actually cried a little bit writing this... there will be an epilogue and then I think this book will be over... I hope you enjoyed it, and... ya! plz don't hate me... peace!

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