Chapter 2

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Ok guys, chapters are gonna be slower because I'm trying to keep my mom from finding this.... She doesn't understand that the things I so or watch make me happy, like YouTube. So if she finds this, then all hell will break loose! so sry and enjoy! Also, if I just disappear off wattpad.... nothing bad happened to me, just my mom found and took my phone away, or I broke it. One or the other.


Max's POV

I had drove back to my apartment, taking a weeks supply of clothes and anything else I needed, then I left my car at home, telling the sad Renee that she needed to get her stuff and leave.... I had the apartment first anyway. I told her that she had a week to get out, and if she didn't i'd take her to court. She looked bewildered and sad as I growled this, looking down at her feet. She didn't even try to argue, she knew she had taken it too far.

I watched Anthony's car pull into the empty parking lot, as I sat on a metal park bench. His lights shined in my face, and his door opened, he stepped out and walked over to me. "Hey Max," he said softly "how are you?" he greeted. I sighed and the frown that painted my lips turned upwards into a small smile. "Fine, just need to talk it out with someone..." I looked up at him and he offered me a hand to help me up. I complied and I got up. We walked over to the car, and we got in, me riding on the passenger's seat and him driving. We sat in silence, that is, until Anthony had an idea, he turned on the radio so that music was blaring out and he started to sing the horrible song 'wrecking ball' I laughed and sang along a huge grim plastered on my face... he always knew how to make me happy, even in the worst of times.

The hour long ride went by very quickly, due to us having tons of fun. I wish that it could've lasted forever... saddens washed over me again and I frowned. Anthony looked at me and his face twisted too, seeing my mood had dampened. "Well, do you wanna talk about Renee?" he asked slowly as we walked into his front door... "meh, She's just-just SO difficult!" I sighed in defeat. "I'm done... I'm sick of fighting and yelling.... I'm sick of having fun times together that just turn into stupid bickering!" I plopped down on his couch and laid my head back rubbing my face. Anthony had gone into the kitchen. "I'm still listening" he called. I heard the sound of his fridge being opened and the clinking of bottles. He walked back out with a smirk on his face as he offered me a beer. I accepted the drink and twisted the cap off. I took a sip of the substance and relished the stinging liquid going down my throat. The taste of all your problems flying away....

I took my fourth shot of the night along with like, what, 8 beers? It was safe to say I was drunk. My thoughts were clouded, and happy. I giggled as Chilled tripped over a chair and fell down, I walked over to him offering him my hand to help him up. "Hey sexy, did you fall down?" I asked groggily. He giggle and took my hand. "whoooo me?" he asked laughing at the end. "yes you, you sexy beast, I sure am jealous of Martha!" I joked about his watermelon 'wife'. "speaking of her, look who made it to the party!" He swung his fridge open and there was a big, green, watermelon taking up one of the shelves. "Hey there good looking!" I said in the direction of 'Martha' I picked it up and started to slow dance with it, all while giving chilled a devious grin. He started getting angry, "get your hands off my goil!" he shouted in a cartoony accent, but I knew he was playing by the glint in his sparkly, chocolate eyes. God those eyes... and those luscious lips... my eyes softened, but almost immediately snapped wide, realizing what I was saying. 'Brain, you need to shut up!' I yelled internally. I'm not like that. In my moment of thought, my grip slipped on the watermelon and it fell to the ground with a 'thunk!' My mouth made an 'o' shape and I looked down at the ground. Chunks of watermelon littered the ground. Chilled had a devastated look on his face as he fell to his knees. Watermelon juice got all over his pants. He grabbed a few chunks of the fruit and screamed "MARTHA NOOOO" I started laughing in fits, the world kind of spinning around me, the dizziness giving me a headache...

Pretty soon after the watermelon incident (we had been too lazy to clean it up, not to mention drunk) Anthony had passed out on the couch. With my state of mind at the time, I decided to pick him up bridal style, him groaning as I did, and carried him to his bed. I laid him down and tucked him in. I got under the covers with him and wrapped my arms around him, finding him cozy. I looked down at him, his adorable face, his deep eyes that I could get lost in, his witty jokes and whispy black hair.... I didn't even try to shake these thoughts from my head as I stared at the sleeping Anthony. Maybe I did feel something for him.... but now is not the time to think about that. I decided. I closed my eyes and drifted into a drunken nightmare.

DREAM(why does it seem my stories always start out like this?)


My eyes fluttered open as I looked at my surroundings. I was confused beyond belief at what I saw. I was sitting on a bed with blue and white striped sheets, in a furniture less room. That is, besides a mirror, that took up basically a whole wall. I stared into the mirror, watching every move I made, waiting for the person on the other side to make a move, to do something. It was like I was in a staring contest with myself. I was just.... "Frozen" the word came to my lips. The man on the other side didn't move. Didn't mirror what I said, just sat there. So it wasn't a mirror, I decided, but a pucture! I closed my eyes and opened them again, not by will, but my dream forced me to. The painting had changed, now instead of one person, me, there was another standing off the side of the bed by the white, plain, empty wall. 'Anthony?' I thought what the heck is going on? I closed my eyes again. When I opened them the man that was once standing on the edge of the bed had gotten closer to the frozen me. I raised an eyebrow quizzically. I closed my eyes a third time, and this time when I opened my eyes I saw Anthony and me looking at each other, searching one another's eyes. I closed my eyes. We were both leaning in, as if we each were heading in to tell the other a secret. I closed my eyes yet again. This time when I saw the change in the painting I gasped. We.... were..... KISSING! My eyes widened. I closed them again and this time instead of showing me frames of the encounter, the picture started to move, so now it was as if it turned into a video. Anthony walks in the door, he gets closer, we lean in, we kiss. over and over and over again, until I couldn't take it anymore. "STOP IT!" I screamed as it played faster and faster... Anthony is my best friend... we would never.... KISS, would we? I shook my head and squeezed my eyes closed. When I opened them this time I was lying on Anthony's bed gasping and sweating. I sighed and looked over to my right, noticing a warm presence. Well, this is awkward... Anthony was cuddled into my side sleeping soundly. My head started to pound. 'Hangover' I thought and sighed getting up out of bed to go get some Tylenol. This day was not starting out well.....

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