My room is dark grey, the sheets were forest green and the furniture was black. It’s dark but it’s a home-y dark not demonic dark.

“What in the world are you doing now?”

I turned my head towards the door and found everyone’s favorite Praetor.

“What does it look like?” I said. “I’m trying to stare at the ceiling and dissolve into my sheets.”

“Isn’t it a bit early to be doing that?” Reyna said with a smile. “Anyways, the others need your opinion on the design. Since we came here at the thirtieth and Halloween just past recently. Unanimously, we all thought it would be good to bring them a Smuggle version of Halloween.”

                “Don’t you mean Muggle?”

                “Yeah that” Reyna said. “Though we are going to make it a bit more interesting, we have torches pumpkins and all that.”

                “So I’m guessing I’m in charge with the scare factor.” I said with a smirk.

                “Yes, if you’re up for it.” She said.

                “Perhaps.” I said with a smirk. “Do you think they can handle a few walking skeletons?”

                “Well they do have ghosts.”

                “I meant the demigods.”

                “As longs as you don’t make them attack people. I’m sure they can handle it.”

                “Is this like the Halloween Party last year?” I asked “Like costume and everything?”

                “Of course.” Reyna said. “What is a Halloween Party without Costumes.”

                “Awesome.” I said jumping to my feet. “This is going to be great!”

                “I have never seen you so excited on a Holiday.” Reyna said with a raised eyebrow.

                “You know how everyone is so happy in Christmas.” I commented. “Well this is like my version. It is when the Underworldly spirits and strengths are the strongest. Hence when I am least tired, I’m like a ghost. I have these moments where I do rely on Underworldly powers.”

                “So are you helping or not?”

                “Let’s go then.”

                Reyna brought me to the large clearing where we usually have our campfires. The place was full of working teens. The other campers were climbing trees and standing on each other’s shoulders decorating stands and poles with torches, pumpkins and what looks like deformed skulls. Which I was guessing were made from paper mache.

                “So, what do you need?”  

                “What do you suggest?” Reyna asked.

                 “Are the torches going to be lit?”

                “Of course.”

                “With what?”


                “I may have a better idea.” I said. “Are the torches ready?”

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