《Chapter 11 : Lost and Returned》

Comenzar desde el principio

"It was good to hear that no one got hurt , but some parts of your mansion and some cars - I can't say the same" Shoto replied in his usual emotionless voice.

I could feel my father's pure rage against radiating from around the mansion , but if that bothers me.

But ...

"I guess I can't participate in Sports Festival then" I mumbled under my breathe , frustrated at the turn of events that just had happened. I gripped unto the blankets tightly , I now really lost my chance.

"(Y/n)..." Shoto placed his hand over mine. "Seeing you earlier , I ... I was scared on what could have happened to you. I thought I would loose you ..." he said in a low yet soft voice.

I was surprised at Shoto's sudden change. As I looked at him , his eyes were locked onto me. Despite it being sharp and fierce there was also worry.

"I know your strong (Y/n) but ... I can't help but agree with your father (Y/n)".

My heart sank at what he said. I thought what I would be hearing from him was something sweet and motivating.

I was wrong.

"If you continue on , you might hurt yourself even more-"

"You and my stupid S.O.B father would get along very much" I said gritting my teeth. I pulled my hand away and moved away from him. "You both want to take me away from dream, just because of all these ... these handicaps!".

"Even if you turn the world upside-down (Y/n) , your still disabled !!!" He exclaimed. "You can't run ! You can't walk ! Along with the fact you get unstable at times ! (Y/n) rather than doing heroic stuff , you would only be the cause of people's injuries !!! You'll become even worse than a villain !".

My heart was shattered even worse than before.

"Get out" I said.

"(Y/n) -"

"I SAID GET OUT !" I exclaimed. I used the door to open for him to leave. "The door's open for you , and if you don't leave , don't make me use my powers against you".

"If that is what you say then , see you tomorrow then" Shoto said then started to walk out.

"I hope you understand that I just want to see you safe" he lastly said before closing the door.

Left alone in my room , I didn't know what to do...

So I did what was the only thing acceptable... Hide under the covers and cry myself to sleep.

Cry because I lost a great oppurtunity to prove myself.
Cry because I overdid myself and become unstable once again.
Cry because of this betrayal I got.
Cry because I thought I finally found someone I could trust and call a friend but in the end... It was just an insipid dream.

An insipid dream just like my wish to become a hero...


When Aizawa-sensei announced about the upcoming UA festival everyone was excited , well not for me. I already see myself just watching from the sidelines , not participating because of these setbacks.

Many of classmates wanted to strike up a conversation with me , but I was in no mood to talk. Especially to Shoto ...

Ochaco and Midoriya would glance at me , but they weren't approaching me. I guess they sense the unfriendly aura I was giving off.

During lunch time , I ate alone but-

"Hey (L/n) , what are you doing sitting all alone ?".

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