Chapter 1: Artemis in Konoha

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On this day Artemis decided to change her hair color. Well she is a god so it wouldn't be hard. Not at all. She could just snap her fingers, and viola. New hair color. Artemis wanted bright red hair. So like previously mentioned, she just snapped her fingers, and now she has bright red hair.

Artemis then left her tent, and found out that she wasn't in Wyoming anymore. No, Artemis was in the Elemental Nations. A land full of Shinobi, Kunoichi, and Samurai. She did not know that though.

So after a long walk she finds herself in front of a huge gate with a weird symbol on it. The symbol represented Konohagakure no Sato. She then heard the gates open, and someone yell in a language she didn't understand.

This marks a whole new adventure for the goddess, but this isn't her story. No, it is her son's story.

Yes, you did hear me correctly. The man hating, maiden goddess of the hunt, Artemis, has a son. His name is Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze. His father is Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage, the Yellow Flash of Konoha.

After Artemis gave birth, she got teleported back to Wyoming. She was extremely sad. She left the only man she ever loved. She couldn't even say goodbye. She left Minato to be a single parent. It's hard being a single parent. Of course she never had a child till now, but she did like to watch over all of the demigods before they went to camp. Artemis didn't know why she did it, but she guessed that she'd find out real soon. Seeing that she just left her son.

Naruto Uzumaki: Son of ArtemisOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant