Pet Play

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Yusei: Note, all these stories are ours anyways so I'm just moving them to this account.


It was Halloween and the night was almost upon the Dreemur household. Inside the house were currently Flowey the flower, Chara Dreemur, Frisk Dreemur and Toriel.

It had been a month since Frisk broke the barrier with the help of their friends. After leaving the mountain Chara had appeared in their physical body now that she was no longer bound to Mount Ebbot and the underground thanks to Frisk's multiple journeys. The humans were understandably worried about the monsters but with Frisk and Chara as ambassadors the humans helped monsters get settled into life on the surface. Now it is October 31st and the Dreemurs are celebrating their very first holiday together.

Toriel was putting the finishing touches on Flowey's dandi-'lion' costume (courtesy of Sans and friends) which consisted of a mane and lion ears. Toriel was already in costume as a teacher.

"Stop it, Toriel!" Flowey hissed as his mother messed around with his petals. After Toriel found out about who Flowey was she first apologized repeatedly for hitting him with a fireball. Secondly, she asked him to call ger mom which Chara had to convince him to.

"Now Asriel-" she began but saw the glare he sent her way. He hated being called that. It was a rule he made that until he gets his body back that no one, not even Chara, was to call him Asriel. "Now Flowey, there is nothing wrong with how you look. You're adorable! Even Chara agrees. Right, Chara?" Toriel turned to see Chara in their black cat costume stroking Frisk's dog ears. Both sets of ears were made by magic so that they seemed real. As a bonus Alphys made the two be able to feel them like natural body parts. Chara looked at the two and nodded, not being distracted from their current activity.

"They look nice, Flowey. Stop complaining." the 111 year old said as they pulled Frisk closer on their lap and began to play with their tail. Frisk purred which caused Chara to chuckle at them. Leaning down they whispered into the child's ear.

"Frisk, dogs don't purr remember? What will everyone think if they see a dog that purrs?"

*You suggest switching costumes* said Frisk's text box. Due to the ten year old being mute they kept the text box from the underground around to communicate.

"What? I thought you wanted to see me in a cat costume. Don't I look purr-fect?" Chara asked as they struck a pose as Sans slides out of a corner oointing at tbem and going, "aayyy". Chara almost dislodging their companion from their lap with their pose. Luckly Frisk held on but sent a glare Chara's way. Said action was only met with a wide grin and Frisk was forced to turn back around as it had made her answered with a blush.

*ACT-COMPLEMENT: you tell them they are very pretty.* Frisk tells Chara causing them to blush.

"Aw, thank you Frisk. Maybe later you can tell me how pretty I look in private~." Chara teased getting their rebenge on their now ruby red partner.

"Chara." Toriel warned. She began to think about limiting the time Chara and Sans were alone together.

"Aw mom, I was just having some fun. Anywho, I've got a chocolate with my name on it." And with that Chara kissed Frisk on the cheek and teleported into the kitchen.

"Hey you candy hoarder! We're about to leave right now! What the heck!?" Flowey complained.

"Come on, Azzy. You know me."

"I'm gonna pretend that was a slip up." Flowey said even though Chara said it every day. Returning from the kitchen Chara sat on the couch and broke half of the candy in her mouth sucking and lightly chewing on it while the other half of it flopped up and down outside her mouth. Frisk climbed on top of Chara and attached her mouth to the exposed side of the chocolate lightly coming into contact with Chara's lips. Chara grinned and hastily flipped Frisk onto their back causing them to bite on their end of the chocolate and break it. Frisk was about to complain but was silenced by Chara landing their lips onto Frisk's. Frisk moaned as Chara added their tounge into their mouth mixing saliva and chocolate together. Behind them Flowey gagged and Toriel chuckled.

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