Her tears

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Listen to Does anybody see her by Casting crowns

A teardrop cascades down her cheek.
It's one of those nights again, and she knows how it's going to end.
Soon it will not be just a drop but rapid drops.
Then it'll be an endless waterfall flowing down her face.
Tomorrow she'll wake up with a soaked pillow and swollen eyes.

Why the tears,
Why the sad lines and solemn look on her face.
The reason is her thoughts,
These are her feelings trying to say something.
Her mouth hasn't been so good in speaking out her thoughts,
These are her thoughts trying to say something for themselves.

Trying to release the bag of feelings they have been holding in
Trying to communicate their pain or rather, her pain
Trying to show themselves and see if anyone will care enough to reach out
Trying to see if someone will notice the broken little girl and approach her

This has been on for quite a while now
All the lonely nights she's cried into her pillow
All the pain she's felt with each drop of tear that falls
All the frustration, anger, and sadness she has felt surge through her
And still, no one has noticed
No one has noticed the sadness behind the smile.

There is no other way to express what she is feeling
Because she has no idea what the feeling is
All she knows is that the tears come with the thoughts
And the thoughts come with the frustration, the anger, and the sadness
The relationship between them?
No one knows except for her but the answers lie so deep within that she can't reach them
All she can manage are the tears running down her cheek when she's all alone.
The big bright smile when she's out trying to have fun.
And maybe just maybe...

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